Topic: Digital Lomographie - on August 26, 2002 at 9:42:01 PM CEST
Damit sich keiner UNNÖTIGE sorgen um die Digitale Lomographie macht
habe ich mir heute dieses teil zugelegt.

Die ersten bilder RAW out of CAM finished it smaller 2 fit.

BTW welche pflanze blüht hier vorne?
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on August 26, 2002 at 7:06:20 PM CEST
Friedhof Manager
This is cemetery lot management software. The program allows you to keep a color-coded map of your cemetery with detailed records. It also allows support for multiple cemeteries. This new version has a new look and a completely different database management engine. Now supports multiple users.
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Topic: FUN - on August 26, 2002 at 4:14:23 PM CEST
The Mystery Of Britney Spears Breasts
Take me 2 BRITNEY
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Topic: Terror - on August 26, 2002 at 4:04:49 PM CEST
Notes from a suicide manual
The introduction of Japanese kamikaze pilots was one of the most dramatic developments of the second world war. But what motivated these young men to fly their fatal missions? There are some clues in the manual they carried in their cockpits for inspiration, and which is now published in English for the first time. Here are some extracts.
<a href=""target="_blank">Take me 2 the NOTES
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Topic: SCIENCE - on August 26, 2002 at 3:56:53 PM CEST
Amazing Magnetic Fluids
If you don't see it for yourself, you might not believe it. A grey blob oozes down the side of a laboratory beaker. It's heading for the table, but before it gets there a low hum fills the air. Someone just switched on an electromagnet. The goop stiffens, quivers, then carries on oozing only after the hum subsides. Is it alive? No, just magnetized.

Take me 2 the report
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Topic: DRUGS - on August 26, 2002 at 10:46:09 AM CEST
Group Wins Hallucinogenic Tea Case
A federal judge has ruled that a Brazilian religious group that uses hallucinogenic tea in its ceremonies should get back a shipment of the substance seized by U.S. Customs agents. U.S. District Judge James Parker found that church members' rights under the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act were being violated by withholding the tea.
<a href=" "target="_blank">Take me 2 the TEA
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Topic: ART - on August 26, 2002 at 10:38:33 AM CEST
Burning Man gets hot over steamy videos
"Voyeur Video, which O'Brian founded in 1989, currently offers 12 Burning Man videos at $29.95 each. The tapes, sold on Voyeur's Web site alongside such titles as "Kinky Nude Beach Day" and "Springbreak Stripoffs", show naked women being painted, dancing and taking group showers, while the cameramen make comments like "Man, this is like Playboy."

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Topic: LOST FOUND - on August 26, 2002 at 8:25:22 AM CEST
Flughafen-Radar live im Web
Aus Sicherheitsgründen werden die Informationen um zehn Minuten zeitverzögert ins Netz gestellt. Da die Site vorrangig für Anrainer gedacht ist, stellt sich die Anzeigezeit automatisch auf die Systemzeit des Computer des Users ein. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Zeitzonen ist für europäische Besucher der Site solange keine Bewegung zu sehen, als sie nicht die anzuzeigende Zeit im Dropdownmenü entsprechend eingestellt haben.
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Topic: COMPUTER - on August 26, 2002 at 12:03:00 AM CEST
Location: Home / Maya / Customer Gallery
Check out how CG artists use Maya software to create groundbreaking animation and visual effects for the film and video, games, interactive media, and Web3D markets. Like what you see? Check back soon, we have more customer stories in the works!
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