Saturday, 18. June 2016

Peter Gabriel on Jo Cox

I was devastated to learn of the horrific murder of Jo Cox yesterday. Two years ago when she was thinking of trying to become an MP, she and I were amongst a small group of people invited by Ricken Patel and Avaaz to take part in an intense week’s leadership training led by Robert Gass. I was by far the oldest person there and I found all the other participants really inspiring, they were all young passionate optimists and had all made making the world a better place their life’s work.

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China issues demolition order on world’s largest religious town in Tibet

Chinese authorities have announced the destruction of thousands of monastic dwellings and expulsion of monks, nuns and lay practitioners at Serthar Larung Gar Buddhist Institute, the famed Tibetan Buddhist religious encampment located in Serthar (Ch: Seda) County in Kardze (Ch: Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in eastern Tibet.

Largun Gar, Setar, China / Tibet - June 2016 simon.yorkston

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FPÖ, FN und AfD: das L steht für Liebe.

FPÖ, FN und AfD: das L steht für Liebe.

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Weltweite Drogenstudie: 92 Prozent der Befragten konsumieren Alkohol

Seltener konsumiert, von Forschern aber als am gefährlichsten eingestuft: synthetische Cannabinoide "Welche Drogen nehmen Sie und wie oft?" "Von wem haben Sie Ihre Drogen?" "Würden Sie natürliches Cannabis für synthetische Drogen eintauschen?" Es ist ein seltener Einblick, den die Global Drug Survey 2016 in die Welt der Drogenkonsumenten bietet. Etwa 100.000 Befragte haben einem britischen Wissenschafterteam mitgeteilt, was sie schnupfen, spritzen, schlucken oder rauchen. Aus den Antworten leiten die Forscher Empfehlungen ab, wie Drogen mit weniger Risiko konsumiert werden können. Zwei ihrer Haupterkenntnisse: Der Konsum synthetischer Cannabinoide ("Spice", "Yucatan Fire", "Zoom") führt häufiger zu medizinischen Notfällen als alle anderen Drogenarten. Immer öfter werden Drogengeschäfte über Marktplätze im Darknet organisiert und abgewickelt.

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The History of Electronic Music, 1800-2015: Free Web Project Catalogues the Theremin, Fairlight & Other Instruments That Revolutionized Music

Hang around this site long enough and you’ll learn a thing or two about electronic music, whether it’s a very brief history of the Moog synthesizer, or the Theremin, or an enormous, obscure ancient ancestor, the Telharmonium. These mini-lessons are dwarfed, however, by the amount of information you’ll find on the site 120 Years of Electronic Music, wherein you can read about such strange creatures as the Choralcelo, the Staccatone, the Pianorad, Celluphone, Electronde, and Vibroexponator. Such oddities abound in the very long history of electronic musical instruments, which the site defines as “instruments that generate sounds from a purely electronic source rather than electro-mechanically or electro-acoustically.”


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Jacob Appelbaum Banned From Prominent Hacker Conference Following Sexual Assault Allegations

Jacob Appelbaum has been banned from Chaos Computer Club events following numerous allegations that he sexually assaulted women and acted inappropriately at hacker events. Appelbaum regularly spoke at CCC events like Chaos Communication Congress and Chaos Communication Camp.

The Forest for the Trees

It feels rather sardonic to say this now, openly, after two years spent alternating between trying to inhibit my rage and convince myself that I hadn’t been hurt, followed by seeking out other victims, in order to develop the collective capacity to defend ourselves and to have the simple ability to speak out in a manner which would be heard and not discarded.

But he does good work

Right now, my inbox holds media requests from Buzzfeed, Daily Dot, Guardian, Associated Press, and newly, La Repubblica, Italy’s largest newspaper. They are working on stories about Jacob Appelbaum. Specifically, his history in tech and hacking as it relates to his harassment and abuse of others, and the astonishingly widening pool of victims and witnesses coming forward in the past ten days.

The Weaponising Of Social Part 2: Stomping On IOError’s Grave

I once tried to tell Jacob Appelbaum a funny joke. He did not think it was funny. In fact, he was visibly mortified and uncomfortable. My joke was a retelling of something that had happened to me when I was still on the opposite side of the planet. I have a really dark, sardonic, acerbic Kiwi sense of humour, that has been sharpened by surviving everything that has been thrown at me to date.

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