Topic: e-bay - on December 6, 2013 at 2:37:00 PM CET
Nottingham teenager furious after paying £450 for a photo of an XBox One on eBay
A TEENAGER has been left fuming after mistakenly buying a photo of an in-demand computer console online.
Peter Clatworthy thought he had paid £450 for an XBox One console on eBay, but actually received a picture of one in the post.
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Topic: e-bay - on August 27, 2013 at 12:25:00 PM CEST
4k of Soviet RAM
Original Core Memory Cube BP-20 from USSR Military Computer. 1983 of past century... 4.8x5.5x5.2 inches in the common cube with support circuits. Common weight more than 1.3 kg !!!! Capacity - 4096 words Width - 18 Frequency - 400 kHz Logical "1" - 20-60mV Logical "0" - 10mV (not more) Dimensions - 121x132x165 mm
Manual - 32 pages with circuits, diagrams, shematics
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Topic: e-bay - on March 8, 2011 at 8:58:00 AM CET
LOL - 20 lb Unmixed Thermite w/Red Iron Oxide and 1 roll Mg
To eBay: This auction is for the ingredients of thermite. It is shippable in this form. It does not violate any eBay rules.
INCLUDES 1 Roll Mg Ribbon and
5 of the following kits:
1 Pound Aluminum Powder - 500 mesh (30 micron)
3 Pounds Red Iron Oxide(Fe2O3)
Everything shipped in a resealable airtight bags
Check out my other other auctions for other great chemicals
Mythbusters Toast 1/2 Ton of Thermite
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Topic: e-bay - on September 2, 2009 at 1:01:00 PM CEST
EBay Sells Skype To Marc Andreessen
EBay plans to announce a deal to sell its Skype voice-over-IP service to a group of private investors, The New York Times reported on its Web site, citing people briefed on the company's plans.
The deal could be announced as early as Tuesday, the report said.
Several investment groups are likely involved in the purchase, including Andreessen Horowitz, Index Ventures and Silver Lake Partners, the report said. Andreessen Horowitz is run by partners Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape, and Ben Horowitz. Andreessen is also a member of eBay's board of directors.
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Topic: e-bay - on September 2, 2009 at 1:00:00 PM CEST
Ebay verkauft Skype-Mehrheit an Finanzinvestoren
Ebay trennt sich von Skype: Die Mehrheit an dem Telefonie-Dienst gehört künftig einem Konsortium um das US-Unternehmen Silver Lake. Das Online-Auktionshaus kassiert dafür rund 1,9 Milliarden Dollar in bar.
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Topic: e-bay - on August 13, 2009 at 11:31:00 AM CEST
EBay-Versteigerung von Merkel und Steinmeier gestoppt
Die Versteigerung der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und des SPD-Kanzlerkandidaten Frank-Walter Steinmeier im Internet ist nach noch nicht einmal 24 Stunden wieder gestoppt worden. Mit der Aktion in der Auktionsbörse EBay wollten die Berliner Künstler vom "Zentrum für Politische Schönheit" nach eigenen Angaben ein Zeichen gegen den inspirationslosen Wahlkampf und die Politikverdrossenheit in Deutschland setzen.
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Topic: e-bay - on November 22, 2008 at 2:54:16 PM CET
GeoCities 2.0 auctions self on eBay
In the summer of 2006, at the height of the digerati's Web 2.0 frenzy, social networking startup sold itself on eBay. The share-your-appointments-with-the-world online calendar extravaganza was pulling in exactly zero dollars a month. But after a flurry of late bidding, eBayers decided it was worth $258,100.
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Topic: e-bay - on October 22, 2008 at 5:20:00 PM CEST
GOLD - ERSATZ: 5 EURO - Schein / frühes 21.Jahrhundert
Sie bieten hier auf einen Original 5 Euro - Schein aus dem frühen 21. Jahrhundert, den ich von meiner Ur-Großmutter geerbt habe!!!
Gedruckt in der "guten alten Zeit", war er (wie alle anderen seiner Leidensgenossen) bekanntlich nur ganze 6 Jahre im Umlauf, nämlich bis zur großen Weltwirtschaftskrise von 2009.
Dieser vorausgegangen war im Jahre 2008 eine weltweite Finanzkrise, welche ein Garantie-Versprechen über mehrere hundert Milliarden Euro der Politiker aller großen Parteien nach sich zog.
Startpreis: EUR 10,00
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Topic: e-bay - on October 1, 2008 at 11:29:00 AM CEST
Student ersteigert Kamera mit Fotos von mutmaßlichen Terroristen
Peinliche Panne in Großbritannien: Ein Student hat bei Ebay eine Digitalkamera ersteigert, auf der Fotos von mutmaßlichen Terroristen sowie Bilder von Raketenwerfern gespeichert waren. Er ging zur Polizei. Tage später suchten ihn Geheimdienstbeamte auf und beschlagnahmten die Kamera.
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Topic: e-bay - on September 24, 2008 at 3:36:00 PM CEST
eBay enacts PayPal only policy in the US
Beginning "late October 2008," checks and money orders will no longer be allowed as payment methods on Items can only be paid for using PayPal, Credit or debit, ProPay, or Payment upon pickup. The only exceptions to the policy change are vehicles, enterprise equipment, real estate, and "mature audiences" items.
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Topic: e-bay - on August 26, 2008 at 1:07:00 PM CEST
Million bank details sold on eBay
A computer hard disc containing one million sets of bank details was bought on eBay for just £35.
The secondhand PC contained details of customers from American Express, NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland. The files included names, addresses, sort codes, account numbers, credit card numbers, mobile phone numbers, mothers' maiden names and even scans of signatures - more than enough for an identity thief.
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Topic: e-bay - on July 29, 2008 at 11:25:07 AM CEST
1890's -201 Levi's- Great Condition
This old pair of LEVI'S were found in a mine in the Rand Mining District, on the Mojave Desert,. California. They are covered in candlewax from the candle's the miner was using to light the tunnel he was working in. They were found with and old paper bag with the name of a mercantile store which operated between 1895 and 1898 in the town or Randsburg. Their was also a gunny sack with the initials A.P.K. and Randsburg marked on it. A.P.K. is through to be Adam P. Kuffel who was a partner in the mercantile store.
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