Pirate Bay switches address for the sixth time this year

Peer-to-peer network Pirate Bay has been forced to change its domain name for the sixth time this year after being shut down by the authorities in multiple countries.

The file-sharing service actively campaigns against copyright law and provides links to illegally copied films, music and games, making it the subject of determined lawsuits for copyright infringement.


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Internet-Rangliste prangert Zensur und Überwachung an

In knapp einem Drittel der untersuchten Länder seien im vergangenen Jahr Internetinhalte blockiert wurden

London - Meinungsfreiheit und Privatsphäre brauchen im Internet mehr Schutz. Während in Entwicklungsländern eher Web-Inhalte zensiert oder blockiert würden, sei in Industrieländern die Überwachung der Online-Kommunikation durch staatliche Stellen ein größeres Problem, heißt es in dem am Freitag in London vorgestellten Web Index. Nur fünf der 81 untersuchten Länder wendeten rigorose Kontrollen für staatliche Überwachung an.


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How to Setup your own Proxy Server for Free

Do a Google search like “proxy servers” and you’ll find dozens of PHP proxy scripts on the Internet that will help you create your own proxy servers in minutes for free. The only limitation with PHP based proxies is that they require a web server (to host and run the proxy scripts) and you also need a domain name that will act as an address for your proxy site.

If you don’t have a web domain or haven’t rented any server space, you can still create a personal proxy server for free and that too without requiring any technical knowledge.


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Co-Founder of Youtube and creator of first Youtube video makes his first comment in 8 years.

Co-Founder of Youtube and creator of first Youtube video makes his first comment in 8 years.


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Fire at the Internet Archive

This morning at about 3:30 a.m. a fire started at the Internet Archive’s San Francisco scanning center. The good news is that no one was hurt and no data was lost. Our main building was not affected except for damage to one electrical run. This power issue caused us to lose power to some servers for a while.


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A Live Map of Ongoing DDoS Attacks

Check out the Digital Attack Map. It was produced in a collaborative effort by Google Ideas and Arbor Networks to raise awareness about distributed denial of service attacks. You know, those malicious digital attempts to choke, or shutdown websites by sending them volumes of traffic far too large for them to handle. The map 'surfaces anonymous attack traffic data to let users explore historic trends and find reports of outages happening on a given day,' as its about page explains. Created using attack data from Arbor's 'ATLAS® global threat intelligence system,' this is the D.A.R.E. of DDoS — it's about the danger of having information streams cut off. Under the heading 'DDoS Attacks Matter,' Google and Arbor explain that 'sites covering elections are brought down to influence their outcome, media sites are attacked to censor stories, and businesses are taken offline by competitors looking for a leg up


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Abschaltung von Torrent-Suchmaschine: Isohunt-Betreiber verspricht Hollywood 110 Millionen Dollar

Mit der Torrent-Suchmaschine Isohunt lassen sich illegale Kopien von Filmen und Serien finden. Hollywood hat den Betreiber vor Jahren verklagt, nun hat der einem Vergleich zugestimmt: Er soll 110 Millionen Dollar zahlen und Isohunt schließen.

Eine der größten Torrent-Suchmaschinen im Netz stellt den Betrieb ein: Die Website Isohunt soll nach mehr als zehn Jahren abgeschaltet werden. Das kündigt der Betreiber, Gary Fung, in seinem Blog an. "Es ist traurig dabei zuzusehen, wie mein Baby geht", schreibt Fung. "Aber habe für die gute Sache gekämpft, ich habe das Rennen beendet und bin mir immer treu geblieben."


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BitTorrent search site IsoHunt will shut down, pay MPAA $110 million

isoHunt, a search engine for BitTorrent files founded more than a decade ago, has agreed today to shut down all its operations worldwide. The company, founded by Canadian Gary Fung, has also accepted a judgment that it must pay the movie studios that sued it $110 million.

It's not clear how much of that the studios will actually be able to collect. According to a chunk of court transcript cited by Techdirt, the movie studios' lawyers estimated that Fung and his company had only "two million dollars to $4 million, $5 million at the most" that they could possibly pay.


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MacPaint (1984) online

In 1984, I spent much time at the local computer store playing with MacPaint, the graphics painting program developed by Bill Atkinson and released simultaneously with the Macintosh 128k. It was packaged with MacWrite as a $195 bundle.

cloudpaint.com via

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Emulator of the first "readily accessible" web browser 

The line-mode browser, launched in 1993, was the first readily accessible browser for what we now know as the world wide web. It was not, however, the world's first web browser. The very first web browser was called WorldWideWeb and was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990.

But WorldWideWeb only worked on the NeXT operating system. WorldWideWeb was a great piece of software, but it was important that the web should be accessible to many kinds of computers, not just NeXT machines.


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Meet the Hackers Who Want to Jailbreak the Internet

One guy is wearing his Google Glass. Another showed up in an HTML5 t-shirt. And then there’s the dude who looks like the Mad Hatter, decked out in a top hat with an enormous white flower tucked into the brim.

At first, they look like any other gaggle of tech geeks. But then you notice that one of them is Ward Cunningham, the man who invented the wiki, the tech that underpins Wikipedia. And there’s Kevin Marks, the former vice president of web services at British Telecom. Oh, and don’t miss Brad Fitzpatrick, creator of the seminal blogging site LiveJournal and, more recently, a coder who works in the engine room of Google’s online empire.


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HBO meldet VLC Player als illegalen Download bei Google

Der amerikanische Fernsehsender HBO macht Fehler bei der Benutzung der DMCA-Takedown-Meldungen von Google. Unter anderem forderte das Unternehmen den Betreiber dazu auf, Downloadangebote zum freien VLC Media Player aus der Suchmaschine zu entfernen. Auch andere Inhalte, an denen der TV-Konzern keine Rechte hat, wurden durch die Hand von HBO gemeldet.


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