Govt moves to ban websites promoting suicide

The Federal Government is working to introduce hefty fines for people who promote suicide on the Internet.

Under legislation to be introduced this week, corporations will be fined up to $500,000 and individuals $100,000 if they use the Internet to incite or promote suicide methods.

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Wiki Becomes a Way of Life

Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, has 490,000 articles -- in English alone. All together, including its French, German, Italian, Chinese, Spanish and many other versions, it has well over 1.3 million entries.

But without its 16,000 contributors, Wikipedia would be about as useful as a moldy 1978 edition of Encyclopedia Americana. With them, Wikipedia has become the world's largest effort of its kind, and one that is compared to Encyclopedia Britannica in terms of quality and breadth.


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What is Zopa

Zopa is a place where creditworthy people who want to borrow money can get together with people who are happy to lend it to them. And because there's no middleman - the borrower just pays a 1% exchange fee to Zopa up front - both get a great deal.

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CIA spioniert in IRC-Chatrooms

In Zusammenarbeit mit der National Science Foundation (NSF) der USA entwickelt der amerikanische Geheimdienst CIA offenbar ein Programm, um versteckte Gruppen und Kommunikationsstrukturen in Chaträumen zu enttarnen.

Die bereits länger andauernde Zusammenarbeit der beiden Organisationen wurde nun vom EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) öffentlich gemacht. Dessen Chef, Marc Rotenberg, betrachtet diese Entwicklung mit Sorge.


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1,600 Internet Cafes Closed By Chinese Government

The operators of 1,600 Internet cafes in China have had their business' shut down and have been fined a combined $12 million. The Chinese government says they were allowing children violent games and had violated other laws.


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Bush, RNC Websites Possibly DOS’ed

The campaign websites of US President George W. Bush and the Republican Party were blocked to access from outside the US after possible DOS attacks knocked them down over the weekend.


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"Bush vs. Kerry" - Internet ermöglicht das Verprügeln von Bush und Kerry

Im Internet gibt es mittlerweile Spiele, in denen der US-Präsident und sein Herausforderer ebenfalls in Duellen antreten. So beispielsweise 'Presidential Knock-Out: George W. Bush vs. John Kerry'.


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E-mail After Death...

A Spanish internet company is giving you a chance to send your last regards by e-mail. You can attach photos and videos, and send it to your most beloved or the guy that steals your newspaper every morning.


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Litauen will tschetschenische Separatisten-Website schließen

Der tschetschenische Rebellenführer hat sein Bekennerschreiben zu Beslan im Internet publiziert. Die Site soll nun geschlossen werden.


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Dem Internet droht der totale Zusammenbruch

Experten warnen, denn bereits in den nächsten Jahren kann es zu einem Kollaps kommen. Laut dem Hersteller Intel mache die aktuelle Technologie da nicht mehr lange mit.


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Online Game Shows You How To Roll A Spliff

It may be part of an elaborate joke, but a new flash-program video game instructs players on the proper way to roll a spliff, or joint.

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Virtuelle Hauptfeldwebel für die Bundeswehr

Die Bundeswehr hat zwei virtuelle Hauptfeldwebel in ihren Dienst gestellt. Die beiden Unteroffiziere Stefanie Fischer und Christian Wagner sollen den Besucher der Internetseite des Verteidigungsministeriums über Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten informieren.

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