I Was a Cybercrook for the FBI

By the time David Thomas eased his Cadillac into the parking lot of an office complex in Issaquah, Washington, he already suspected the police were on to him.

An empty Crown Victoria in one of the parking spaces confirmed it. "That's heat right there," he told his two passengers -- 29-year-old girlfriend Bridget Trevino, and his crime partner Kim Marvin Taylor, a balding, middle-aged master of fake identities he'd met on the internet.


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The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines

Ask anyone which search engine they use to find information on the Internet and they will almost certainly reply: "Google." Look a little further, and market research shows that people actually use four main search engines for 99.99% of their searches: Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and Ask.com (in that order). But in my travels as a Search Engine Optimizer (SEO), I have discovered that in that .01% lies a vast multitude of the most innovative and creative search engines you have never seen. So many, in fact, that I have had to limit my list of the very best ones to a mere 100.


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Stefan Münz verabschiedet sich vom SELFHTML-Projekt

Und die Zukunft des SELFHTML-Projekts wird unsicher. Im SELFHTML aktuell Weblog gibt Mathias Schäfer einen tieferen Einblick in die Probleme bei SELFHTML. Trotz der einschneidenden Veränderungen soll die redaktionelle Arbeit aber weitergehen. Eigentlich unglaublich: In meinem Kopf ist und war SELFHTML als Nachschlagewerk Nummer 1 immer da ohne dass ich darüber nachgedacht habe.

aktuell.de.selfhtml.org selfhtml.orgheise.de

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Top 10 Hacks on Flickr

One of the nice things about Flickr is that because of their open API a whole host of developers have built more and more interesting things to do with the site. It's interesting to me today that so many of the ways that I use Flickr are not even through the site as designed by Yahoo, but instead through the work of outside developers who are constantly creating new and interesting ways to experience the site. Today I thought I'd share what I think are the top 10 Hacks on Flickr.


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Wikipedia, you are the strongest link

John Naughton examines the loop between Wikipedia and the major search engines and asks whether the encyclopedia is now as dominant as Google


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21 Firefox Extensions for Fun !

Boingle PONG! Multiplayer Raed Tihs! Gmail Skins Tab Effect


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Bank loses $1.1m to online fraud

Internet fraudsters have stolen around 8m kronor ($1.1m; £576,000) from account holders at Swedish bank Nordea.

The theft, described by Swedish media as the world's biggest online fraud, took place over three months.


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Wikipedia has reach it's 1 Million dollar donation!


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Yahoo Using Dirty Tactics to Switch Google & Firefox Users?

The power struggle between Yahoo and Google for your desktop just took an evil turn, with evidence that suggests Yahoo is covertly trying to switch Google search users without their explicit permission.

Over email, Jarrod Hunt of Text Link Brokers explained how a recent upgrade to Yahoo Messenger includes an innocuous “auto-update” option. When the user gives Yahoo permission to “update” – what they think is just Yahoo Messenger – the updater downloads IE 7 (which we already know to be buggy) and then proceeds to hijack many browser preferences – including search engine settings.

Yahoo Using Dirty Tactics to Switch Google & Firefox Users?


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Inside The Venice Project, Built On Mozilla

The Venice Project is not just another online video start-up. The Luxembourg-based company is the latest co-production of the two-person hit factory of Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis. The founders of Kazaa and Skype are hoping that The Venice Project will upend the television experience just as their earlier efforts turned the music and phone businesses on their respective heads.



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"Wie wandelnde Leichen"

Bei Internet-Sucht hilft nur kalter Entzug

Tief liegende Augen, blasse Gesichtsfarbe, zitternde Hände: "Sie sehen aus wie wandelnde Leichen", sagt Psychologe Andreas Koch von der Berliner Caritas. Er meint so genannte Internet-Junkies, die täglich 10 bis 15 Stunden im Netz hängen - ohne ausreichend zu essen, zu trinken oder sich zu waschen. Viele von ihnen leben von Hartz IV und haben sich aus dem realen Leben weitestgehend verabschiedet - bis die Telefongesellschaft schließlich den Anschluss sperrt.



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Web users driving change in 2007

It is often said the only constant in the world of hi-tech is change - a fact that makes prediction notoriously difficult. But here three tech veterans give their view about what will drive change over the next 12 months and beyond.


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