Firefox hands out cookies from strangers

Firefox suffers from a flaw that allows attackers to manipulate the authentication cookies of virtually any website, a vulnerability Bugzilla has deemed severe. It's the second major security lapse for the open-source browser in as many days.

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Online Video Industry Index

There are now so many companies vying to be the next YouTube, it's easy to lose track of them all. So let's take a look at the entire online video industry and categorize the major players. Our thanks to Ali Dagli of Savvian, for providing us a lot of the useful data listed here.

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IE and Firefox cough up hard drive contents

Updated The latest versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox on Windows and (in the case of Firefox) Unix systems are vulnerable to attacks that could reveal the contents of sensitive files residing on a victim's hard drives.

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Welcome to OscarTorrents

OscarTorrents is the Oscars as it should be -- everyone can download the year's nominations using the popular BitTorrent service, watch the movies, then use our rating system to choose their favourites. Why restrict the voting to a few bought-off jurors when the whole world can have their say?

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Wikipeda could shut within 3-4 months

In a rather extraordinary example of begging for money, Florence Devouard, Chairwoman of the Wikimedia foundation has told an audience at the Lift07 conference that Wikipedia has the financial resources to run its servers for another 3-4 months, and that without further funding Wikipedia “might disappear”.

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Hacker leaves explosions on nuclear Web site

Red-faced officials at Canada's nuclear safety watchdog on Thursday said they were probing how a hacker had managed to litter its official Web site with dozens of color photographs of a nuclear explosion.

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Firefox 3 Alpha 2

Mozilla announced the release of Firefox 3 alpha 2 this morning. The new release follows Mozilla’s semi-regular 6 week test release pattern and in no way represents a finished product, but I decided to download the new alpha and see how things were coming along.

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Top 10 Internet Scandals of All Time

The Web is a great way to deliver information, but it's also a great way to expose, spread, or jump-start a scandal.

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Pirated Game Servers - Hacker Attracts 50,000 Subscribers to Online Game

It common to go up against law enforcement in video games. Such titles as Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row prove that playing it bad can be fun. But in real life it is far from a game. That’s what one gamer learned when he attempted to run a pirated server for the popular Lineage II online role-playing game. The FBI’s Web site is reporting how a California man obtained the title’s source code, and then went on to set a server that attracted more than 50,000 subscribers.

Online IP Theft Is Not a Game

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Dolphin Stadium website trojaned

Websense Labs has discovered that the official website of Dolphin Stadium has been compromised with malicious code. The Dolphin Stadium is currently experiencing a large number of visitors, as it is the home of Sunday's Super Bowl XLI. MS06-014 and MS07-004 exploits are used to download a payload of a NsPack-packed Trojan keylogger/backdoor

Malicious Website:   Super Bowl XLI / Dolphin Stadium

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Telekom Austria überlegt "Maut" für Google & Co

Die Attraktivität des Internets liegt in der Vielfalt der Inhalte, die von jedem Rechner weltweit abgerufen werden können. Doch einige Provider spielen mit dem Gedanken, von Google & Co eine Art Maut für die Datenübertragung zu verlangen oder die Ausfahrt zum Kunden zu blockieren. In Österreich soll der Wettbewerb den Vollzugriff garantieren. Doch nun denkt die Telekom Austria laut über diese Netzneutralität nach.

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Erste Hilfe bei Abmahnungen - Quellensammlung

Was früher der Hunne war, ist heute die Abmahnung. Eine stete Bedrohung. Bevorzugtes Opfer moderner Zeiten ist der Seitenbetreiber. Hier ein Überblick.

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