TorrentSpy Cuts Off US Users, Rather Than Tracking Them

BitTorrent search engine TorrentSpy has been involved in a legal battle with the MPAA for some time now. The lawsuit took a slightly bizarre twist a few months back when a judge demanded that TorrentSpy start logging details about its users -- something the company had never done and had no plans to do. TorrentSpy claims that doing so will violate its users privacy and violate its own terms of service

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Spying Goes All 2.0

While the US intelligence community has a long history of expensively botched computer systems, it does seem like they've suddenly became Web 2.0 believers. Last year we wrote about the internal Wikipedia-like offering called Intellipedia, that would let members from different agencies in the intelligence community share information more easily.

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Monster attack steals user data

US job website has suffered an online attack with the personal data of hundreds of thousands of users stolen, says a security firm.

A computer program was used to access the employers' section of website using stolen log-in credentials.

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Skype Works on Software Flaw Suspected in Worldwide Outage

Problems continued yesterday for Skype, an Internet-based phone company, as it tried to patch up a software glitch that left many of its 220 million customers disconnected.

Worldwide disruption spanning Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America began on Thursday, prompting rumors on the Web about the cause of the outage, including speculation that the service had been attacked by Russian hackers, or that the failure was the result of problems caused by a recent software update.

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Skype and Patriot act maybe not hackers?

Original author: Mathaba Skype Problems: Coincidence or Result of Architecture Fix for the U.S. State? Posted: 2007/08/17 From: Mathaba Is it considerable coincidence, or a sign of modifications which would inevitably be difficult to execute without significant disruption? Around 2 weeks ago the Bush administration pushed through Congress a law to bolster the government's ability to intercept electronic communications without a court order. The so-called Protect America Act, which passed both the House and Senate by wide margins just before Congress went on its August recess, allows the government to intercept the phone calls and e-mails of people in the United States who communicate with people overseas, and for the first time, allows the government to intercept communications between foreigners which are merely routed through the United States, as well as conversations of Americans traveling abroad.

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Why the Skype 0day exploit is a fake

A lot of people contacted me about my post on FD. No, I have no clue of what’s really going and I can happily live believing the official reports ( on the issue. This is the complete message I posted to FD in reply to Valery Marchuk.

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Skype drop was the result of Russian hackers

The reason for yesterday's fall network Skype study Russians were burglars, told us one of the readers.

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Skype Comes Back, Do You Still Trust It?

Skype was back up and running on Saturday, but the question remains if this week’s outage will have a lasting effect on the confidence people place in the service. Will anyone feel comfortable using Skype as their primary voice communications tool if a multi-day outage is possible?

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VOIP TOOLBOX: 30+ VoIP Services

You can’t have failed to notice that Skype suffered major downtime this week. However, there many more VoIP service providers that enable users to make free or cheap international calls through computers, landlines or cellphones. Many of them offer social networking features plus easy embedding options in blogs and social networking sites.

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Yahoo! Messenger! users! face! attack! by! video!

Yahoo Messenger users beware: Your mother was right when she told you not to chat with strangers. A newly discovered zero-day vulnerability in the widely-used chat program proves this was sound advice.

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27 Years of Warez Scene Release Info Leaked in Giant Database

Usually, when a leak is made by the warez scene, it’s usually material created by someone else - a movie, music, games or software. This time the leak is of their own material. A huge pre database of 2.6 million entries has become available on the internet, containing information on warez scene releases dating back to 1980.

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German sites close, as anti-hacking law arrives

Security researchers in Germany continued to pull down exploit code from their sites last week, scrambling to comply with a German law that makes illegal the distribution of software that could be used to break into computers.

The German law -- referred to as 202(c) -- went into effect on Sunday. Many experts have complained that the language of the law is very unclear, but a strict reading appears to make illegal the distribution, sale and possession of security tools which could be used to commit a crime.

German sites close, as anti-hacking law arrives

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