5000+ Resources to Do Just About Anything Online

Since May 2007, we’ve been bringing you resources and tools to be more productive on the web. Due to popular demand, we’ve brought all these lists together into one gigantic meta-list: 5000+ Resources to Do Just About Anything Online.


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Opera 9.5 Beats Firefox and IE7 As Fastest Browser

Ars Technica takes Opera 9.5, the latest from Opera's stable, for a test run and finds some interesting results, including it being a 'solid improvement to an already very strong browser.' On the performance front, Ars Technica reports 'Opera 9.5 scored slightly higher (281ms) than the previous released version, 9.23 (546ms). And Opera 9.x, let it be known, smacks silly the likes of Firefox and Internet Explorer, which tend to have results in the 900-1500ms range on this test machine (a 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM). Opera was 50 percent faster on average than Firefox, and 100 percent faster than IE7 on Windows Vista, for instance.

arstechnica.com via

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sTORm worm

A new round of storm worm attacks are playing on people's paranoia against being watched online.

This time the lure leads users to a "TOR download" page, which is… surprise, surprise… fake.

sTORm worm

Clicking on the button in that web page will download a malicious file called tor.exe onto the system. This file is already detected as Email-Worm:W32/Zhelatin.IL.

links.org f-secure.comvia

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Save YouTube Videos To Your Hard Drive

YouTube and other video sharing sites provide endless hours of wholesome, time-wasting entertainment. But what if you want to watch movies without the browser? There's no direct or easy way to download YouTube videos from the site, but thankfully there are ways to make a local copy for personal use. A number of tools exist to save a video for playback on your computer, iPod, iPhone, PSP and even your boring old DVD player.


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20 BitTorrent Tips and Tricks

Here’s a list of 20 BitTorrent resources, tips and tricks, useful for both newcomers and more advanced users.


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Die große Filesharing-FAQ

Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun. Das dürfte zumindest auf jene zutreffen, die unbedacht Musik, Filme und Software im Internet tauschen und herunterladen. Denn Filesharing kann ernste Konsequenzen haben: Noch nie bekamen so viele Tauschbörsennutzer Post von Polizei oder Staatsanwalt. Doch wie können Filesharer überhaupt verfolgt werden? Was ist erlaubt und was nicht? Was tun, wenn man erst beim illegalen Datentausch erwischt wurde? Die große Filesharing-FAQ klärt auf.


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Optimize BitTorrent To Outwit Traffic Shaping ISPs

These days, nothing worries an internet service provider more than peer-to-peer file trading. Depending on where you live, P2P can account for between 50 and 75% of broadband internet traffic. We mostly have the popularity of BitTorrent to thank for this crazy amount of data going to and fro.

This amount of traffic can raise the ISPs daily costs of delivering service, cause congestion either in your neighborhood or on the ISP's network, and force the ISP to buy increased bandwidth capacity.


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Pentagon: Chinese military hacked us

Sources in Washington have indicated that the cyber attack last June which targeted the office of US Defence Secretary Robert Gates was conducted by the Chinese military.

According to a report in the London Financial Times, "senior US officials" and "persons familiar with the event" have briefed that there is a “very high level of confidence...trending towards total certainty” within the Pentagon that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) carried out the June attack. That was seen as a particularly significant event, apparently, as it involved disruption of networks as well as passive snooping.

chinese military hacked into pentagon

theregister.co.uk ft.com

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Security researcher stumbles across embassy e-mail log-ins

Security consultant Dan Egerstad has managed to snag usernames and passwords for over 100 e-mail accounts belonging to embassy employees around the world. According to Computer Sweden, which was able to check that some of the data was accurate, the embassies affected include India, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Iran, along with a British office in Nepal.


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Lucky and Flo Credited for US Piracy Bust

After being deployed in Malaysia, bootleg busting dogs Lucky and Flo have come the United States. So are their days of sniffing out plastic discs over? Will they now enjoy a doggie vacation in a dog spa? Hardly.

A recent bust in the Queens district of New York saw the seizure of "thousands" of pirated DVDs from three retail outlets from the Jamaica section of Queens. Operators of these operations were also arrested.


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The man who owns the Internet

Kevin Ham is the most powerful dotcom mogul you've never heard of, reports Business 2.0 Magazine. Here's how the master of Web domains built a $300 million empire.


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Google Germany slammed for Neo-Nazi YouTube clips

The German public broadcaster has decided to "do a Panorama" by highlighting YouTube's hosting of Neo-Nazi clips and World War II propaganda films.

Reuters reports that tonight's Report Mainz on the SDR channel will go big on banned footage of Nazi rock band Landser and excerpts from 1940s race hate film Jud Suess, among others.


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