May Find Safe Harbor From RIAA lawsuit

Ars Technica has some interesting analysis of the RIAA's lawsuit against There's reason to believe that — and most other Usenet providers — could qualify for protection under the DMCA's Safe Harbor provision.

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RIAA aims lawyers at usenet newsgroup service

The Recording Industry Ass. of America has now attacked a company that provides access to internet newsgroups.

Last Friday, RIAA lawyers chucked a federal lawsuit at, claiming that the Fargo, North Dakota newsgroup service "enables and encourages" people to swap copyrighted music.

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Usenet Newsgroups / Mailing List Relationship

The Usenet is founded on a pull paradigm, while mailing lists are founded on a push paradigm.

The Usenet and mailing lists are similar message sharing technologies, enabling one person to share information with many others. For example, the BITNET was a long-standing community of mailing lists that shared their message traffic with the Usenet under the "bit." hierarchy.

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RIAA klagt

Wie am Dienstag bekannt wurde, brachte der Verband der US-Musikkonzerne am Freitag Klage gegen ein. In der Klage wird dem Newsgroup-Anbieter vorgeworfen, dass über die von ihm zugänglich gemachten Usenet-Gruppen Millionen urheberrechtlich geschützter Files abrufbar seien. Usenet NNTP

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P2P : Is Big Brother Watching You?

Abstract—In an effort to prosecute P2P users, RIAA and MPAA have reportedly started to create decoy users: they participate in P2P networks in order to identify illegal sharing of content. This has reportedly scared some users who are afraid of being caught. The question we attempt to answer is how prevalent is this phenomenon: how likely is it that a user will run into such a “fake user” and thus run the risk of a lawsuit? The first challenge is identifying these “fake users”.

techreports [pdf]

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Traverse Corporate Firewalls

Censorship has never been popular with American citizens. Unfortunately, censorship is very popular with American corporations.

Whether to keep you from wasting your time checking Facebook or to curb potential infiltration by viruses, most corporate networks impose some level of censorship on the sites employees can visit or even the protocols they can use. The situation is even worse for those outside the U.S. Many countries outright ban certain sites and others provide only limited access to sites hosted outside the country.

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Spam weapon helps preserve books

A weapon used to fight spammers is now helping university researchers preserve old books and manuscripts.

Many websites use an automated test to tell computers and humans apart when signing up to an account or logging in.

The test consists of typing in a few random letters in an image. and is designed to fight spammers.

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Torrent Tracker Taken Offline

The popular, a semi-private BitTorrent tracker, has been taken offline. Both the torrent tracker and the site have been unresponsive for over twenty-four hours. Although there has been no official word, or statement from the Demonoid administrators, TorrentFreak claims that the Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA) is responsible for the downtime.

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F1 secrets left on the web

Highly-sensitive documents that disclosed secret information about the inner workings of the technical strategies adopted by rival Formula One (F1) teams were exposed for all to see on the internet.

Over the past few months F1 motor racing has been racked by controversy surrounding revelations that the McLaren team had been spying on its rival Ferrari by obtaining confidential technical documents.

Just last week, McLaren was fined $100m (£50m) and stripped of all its constructors' championship points.

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Tor madness reloaded - German police raid home of man who operated Tor server

A German operator of a Tor server used to anonymously route traffic over the net said he was arrested in a midnight raid on his residence that stemmed from an investigation into bomb threats said to have passed through an internet protocol address under his control.

Alexander Janssen said he had just returned from a night of drinking when someone knocked "very hard" on his door. Police then entered his Dusseldorf apartment, cuffed him and said he was suspected of posting bomb threats in a German forum related to law enforcement. He told police he operated a Tor server, which typically funneled 40 GB of data per day, but the officers proceeded to search his attic, office, car - even through the undergarments of his terrified wife. He was later taken to a police station and interrogated.

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China disconnects 18,400 illegal Websites

CHINA blocked access to 18,401 illegal Websites during a nationwide campaign against online pornography that started in April, an industry newspaper reported today.

A total of 9,593 unregistered Websites were shut down while 8,808 Websites were closed for disseminating pornographic, illicit or fraudulent pictures and information on the Internet, said Miao Wei, deputy general manager of China Telecom, the country's biggest telecommunication carrier, which was involved in the campaign.

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A Soviet Poster A Day

Every soviet poster no matter the date of creation bears a stamp of expressiveness and graphical quality. The attention to details is awesome. The scope of techniques is endless. Soviet posters are a treasure chest with inspiration for any graphical designer, not to mention the seeing pleasure itself. And what's important, every Soviet Poster has a historical reference essential for understanding the layers of meanings it carries through time.

Every strike of hammer - hits the enemy!

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