The Best Links 2007 - kottke

For the fourth year running, here are some of my favorite articles, videos, games, photography, discussions, and design pieces that I linked to in 2007.

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Blocked! The Year in Online Censorship

2007 has been an entertaining year, for sure. We’ve seen the launch of many a site of many a stripe. Some have flourished. Others have seen lady luck spurn their advances – occasionally to their demise. All in all, however, things have progressed quite extraordinarily.

The Year in Online Censorship

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For Sale: Used Social Voting Site, Asking Price $300 Million, Goes By The Name Of Digg

It seems like every other month rumors of Digg either being acquired or being shopped come up (see our November summary here). VentureBeat has word that Digg is getting serious about a sale and has hired Allen & Company to shop the site for $300 million.

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Botnets linked to political hacking in Russia

Security researcher Jose Nazario has uncovered circumstantial Devidence of the use of botnets in politically-motivated denial of service attacks.

Political events in the wider world are sometimes accompanied by hacking incidents in cyberspace, such as defacements and the like. Nobody paid much attention to the issue until the Estonian DDoS events of earlier this year when government and commercial sites in the small Baltic country were taken offline for days in April amid a row with Russia about relocation of a Soviet-era memorial to fallen soldiers and war graves.

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Mozilla Japan Get Firefox video awards

Mozilla Japan is currently running the Get Firefox Video Awards event, an online promotion for Firefox where over 100 Japanese video artists and animators have created some amazing videos to promote Firefox within 30 seconds.

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Wikipedia schlägt die Profis

Wieviel taugt das Community-Lexikon Wikipedia wirklich, kann es gegen professionelle Konkurrenz bestehen? Das wollte der "stern" für seine aktuelle Ausgabe herausfinden und beauftragte ein Recherche-Institut mit einem Vergleichstest. Gegen den Neuling sahen die Etablierten ganz schön alt aus.

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The views from The Pirate Bay

The Pirate Bay is one of the most popular file-sharing websites in the world and much of the content reachable via the site is pirated. Here the founders of the site and those that keep it running talk about what they do, why they do it and how hard it is to stop them.

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CBS to Pirate Bay: 'You're ok by us', the music recommendation site owned by US media conglomerate CBS, has today given Pirate Bay the thumbs up to use its servers to add radio streams to BitTorrent searches.

The Swedish anti-copyright site has added a widget to results pages as part of a new drop-down of extra information on artists (blog post here).

A spokesman for London-based told The Reg that while it would not seek to endorse Pirate Bay, it has no control over who uses its API.

CBS to Pirate Bay: 'You're ok by us'

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Pirate Bay Cancels Plans for BOiNK

The Pirate Bay, the infamous torrent tracking site, has canceled their plans to fill the gap left by OiNK.

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Poor Anti-Pirates: E-mail About Leaked IFPI Email Gets Leaked

The infamous anti-piracy organization IFPI sent an email to warn its members NOT to any send email to colleagues that use an email address because that domain is now owned by their rivals from the “International Federation of Pirate Interests”. Unfortunately the members did not listen, and even the email about the leak leaked.

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France May Cut Internet Access to Music Pirates

French web users caught pirating movies or music could soon be thrown offline.

Those illegally sharing files will face the loss of their net access thanks to a newly-created anti-piracy body granted the wide-ranging powers.

The anti-piracy body comes out of a deal agreed by France's music and movie makers and its net firms.

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Das Ende des Internets im Jahre 2010?

In den USA müssten bis zum Jahre 2010 angeblich 55 Mrd Dollar in neue Breitbandkabel investiert werden, damit das Netz die wachsende Datenflut in den Griff bekommt. Alleine Youtube würde 27 Petabyte pro Monat verbrauchen. Schuld sind die Nutzer, die Videos hoch- und runterladen und eigene Inhalte ins Netz stellen. Und wenn jetzt nichts an den politischen Rahmenbedingungen geändert wird, bricht das Internet in drei Jahren zusammen.

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