
Have you ever come across a web site that you could not access and wondered,"Am I the only one?" Herdict Web aggregates reports of inaccessible sites, allowing users to compare data to see if inaccessibility is a shared problem. By crowdsourcing data from around the world, we can document accessibility for any web site, anywhere.


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Did Last.fm Just Hand Over User Listening Data To the RIAA?

That leaked U2 album is causing all sorts of trouble. The unreleased album, which is due out on March 3, found its way onto BitTorrent and was downloaded hundreds of thousands of times. That, apparently, sent music industry lawyers over at the Recording Industry Association of America into a fit. As a result, word is going around that the RIAA asked social music service Last.fm for data about its user’s listening habits to find people with unreleased tracks on their computers. And Last.fm, which is owned by CBS, actually handed the data over to the RIAA.


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Trackt die RIAA Raubkopierer mit Last.FM Scrobble-Daten?

Das neue U2-Album, das Anfang März erscheint, ist ins Internet geleakt. So weit, so langweilig. Nun haben die Anwälte der RIAA anscheinend bei Last.FM Daten aus ihrem Scrobble-Service, mit dem man auf dem Rechner gehörte Songs automatisch ins Profil eintragen kann, angefragt (und nach Insider-Infos auch bekommen).


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Pirate Bay Support-Site: This is what a Criminal looks like…

File-sharing is good, allowing people to share music, movies and culture. Today four of the pioneers of file-sharing are on trial in Sweden, in yet another attempt by the movie and music industries to stop technological innovation and development by force.

But it is not the people behind the Pirate Bay who have shared files. It is us, the millions who use their site. They've got the wrong people. We won't go away even if the prosecution should win this case, nor will the technology disappear that lets us share the music and films we love.

Pirate Bay Support-Site


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Pirate Bay supporters ram Swedish IFPI website

Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde has pleaded with fans to stop attacking official entertainment industry websites after the Swedish wing of the The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry’s (IFPI) site was hacked yesterday.

theregister.co.uk pcpro.co.uk

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Internet Killed the Satellite Radio Star

As Sirius XM faces bankruptcy, Slate's Farhad Manjoo reports that the company has bigger problems than just the end of cheap credit. While it has what seems like a pretty great service — the world's best radio programming for just a small monthly fee — Sirius XM has been eclipsed by something far cheaper and more convenient: the Internet. Load up Pandora or the Public Radio Tuner on your iPhone, and you've got access to a wider stream of music than you'll ever get through satellite. So forget the satellites, the special radios, and the huge customer acquisition costs, advises Manjoo, and instead focus on getting Howard Stern, Oprah, the NFL, and MLB on every Internet-connected device on the market at very low prices.


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The Complete Animated History of the Internet

The complete, comprehensive history of the Internet from 1957 to 2009, in just 8 minutes.

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20 Great Windows downloads for Data Privacy Day 2009!

Today marks the second "celebration" of Data Privacy Day, an event put together by the good folks at Intel and other groups including the EU, the International Association of Privacy Professionals, and the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security.


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Data Privacy Day 2009

In January 2009, events pertaining to data privacy will be taking place across the country. From shredding events to academic conferences on topics including national security and data transfers, social networking and information security, Privacy Day offers many opportunities to elevate consciousness of data privacy issues and encourage others to take action to protect their personal information. The IAPP is encouraging privacy professionals to give presentations about privacy—in their own organizations or at local high schools, colleges and universities—on or during the week of January 28.

Data Privacy Day 2009

privacyassociation.org intel.com lifehacker.com

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Whspr Lets Anyone Send You an Email Without Revealing Your Email Address

Web application whspr! creates a private feedback form that you can share on services like Twitter without revealing your real email address.

Simply enter your real email address, a description of what the form is for, and the number of days you want the form to be active. Once completed, you'll be given a URL to the form to share with others. This application could be useful for job postings, blog contests or giveaways—pretty much anything where you'd like email responses but don't want to give out an email address.


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Test: Internet-Anonymisierungsdienste

Nachdem ab 2009 auch Internetprovider zur 6-monatigen Vorratsspeicherung von IP-Adressen verpflichtet sind, ist es technisch möglich, das Surfverhalten und die E-Mail-Kontakte jeden Nutzers 6 Monate lang und ohne Gerichtsbeschluss zu einem bestimmten Anschluss zurückverfolgen. Zwar speichern die Internetanbieter keine Kommunikationsinhalte wie aufgerufene Seiten, jedoch speichern viele Seiten die Aufrufe selbst gemeinsam mit Ihrer IP-Adresse, die gewöhnlich von Ihrem Internetprovider vergeben und auch vorratsgespeichert wird, so dass bei Zusammenführung der Daten eine Zurückverfolgung möglich ist. IP-Adressen spielen für die Anonymität im Internet eine zentrale Rolle, weil sie zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt internetweit eindeutige Anschlusskennungen sind, die zur Kommunikation erforderlich sind. Eine Maßnahme gegen die Aufzeichnung von IP-Adressen können kostenpflichtige Anonymisierungsdienste darstellen, die nicht nur die Kommunikation zwischen Rechner und Anonymisierungsdienst verschlüsseln, sondern den Nutzer nach außen hin unter veränderter IP-Adresse auftreten lassen. In diesem Fall hinterlassen Sie beim Surfen nur die IP-Adresse des Anonymisierungsdiensts, während Ihr Internetanbieter aber nur Ihre originäre IP-Adresse sehen und speichern kann, so dass eine Zuordnung von Surfspuren zu einem bestimmten Anschluss zumindest erheblich erschwert wird.


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Google shamed by Low Countries search

As Google and Yahoo! play Privacy Theatre, at least one search engine has realized your personal data is not a toy.

Today - aka Data Privacy Day 2009 - Netherlands-based search engine Ixquick told the world it will no longer log user IPs. In the past, the privacy-obsessed outfit stored IP addresses for only 48 hours, but it has now shunned the practice entirely.

theregister.co.uk ixquick.com

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