Disney sued for spying on kids with 'zombie cookies'

Walt Disney's internet subsidiary and several of its partners have been sued for allegedly using cookies based on Adobe's Flash Player to track highly personal information about their users, many of whom were minors.

The LSOs, or locally shared objects are better known as Flash Cookies, and their ability to gather detailed user information over long periods of time without a trace has been understood since at least 2007. Now, attorneys representing people who browsed websites that employed the technology claim it was used to track them in ways that violate the sites' privacy policies.


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Moskau ließ Website mit Infos zu Radioaktivität sperren

Im Zusammenhang mit den Waldbränden in atomar verseuchten Gebieten ist der russische Katastrophenschutzminister Sergej Schoigu kritisiert worden. Er habe persönlich die Sperre der offiziellen Website der Waldschutzbehörde angeordnet, weil diese "Falschinformationen über die Brände in der Region Brjansk" veröffentlicht habe, meldete die Zeitung "Kommersant".

Der Betreiber sei am Wochenende von den Behörden kontaktiert und zur Sperre der Website aufgefordert worden. Der stellvertretende Leiter der Behörde sagte, die Internetseite funktioniere seit Freitagnachmittag nicht mehr.


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Huge privacy flaw found in VPN systems

Since the slow introduction of internet monitoring systems around the world began, more and more people have attempted to preserve their privacy by signing up for VPN services like the Pirate Bay's Ipredator and Pirate Party offering Relakks. But it turns out that there's a gaping security flaw in these services that allows individual users to be identified.


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Firefoxers howl as privacy add-on auto updates with 'bloatware' - Overstuffed TACO

Firefox users are howling that a widely-used browser add-on designed to protect them from unwanted cookie tracking has been automatically updated with what they see as overly intrusive "bloatware".

On June 14, after it was acquired by a software outfit known as Abine, a new version of the TACO behavioral-ad–blocking add-on was pushed out via Mozilla's auto-update process — which means it has received Mozilla's approval — and an army of users are complaining of a kind of privacy add-on bait-and-switch.


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US-Behörden: ICQ-Verkauf würde Strafverfolgung erschweren

Ein Verkauf des Instant-Messaging-Dienstes ICQ würde nach Meinung von US-Ermittlungsbehörden die Strafverfolgung im Internet erschweren. Das berichtet die Financial Times unter Berufung auf US-Ermittler. Der Internet-Dienstleister AOL plant den Verkauf von ICQ an das russische Unternehmen Digital Sky Technologies (DST), das auch an Facebook beteiligt ist.


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Penn Point

Penn Point is no ordinary vlog. It's an ongoing virtual conversation about what's going on around us. And now you can get a front row seat to his witty, informative, and prolific points of view! Penn has a point that he wants to make...and you won't want to miss it.


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Part of the Daily American Diet, 34 Gigabytes of Data

The average American consumes about 34 gigabytes of data and information each day — an increase of about 350 percent over nearly three decades — according to a report published Wednesday by researchers at the University of California, San Diego.

nytimes.com hmi.ucsd.edu

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Average American Consumes 34 Gigs Of Data Per Day; Good Thing ISPs Want To Limit You To 5 Gigs/Month

There's a new study that's making the rounds, noting that the average American consumes about 34 gigs worth of data/information each day. That number has been increasing at a pretty fast pace as well. This is, obviously, not just internet data. It includes TV, radio, mobile phones, newspapers, video games, etc.


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Intimste Daten tausender Kinder offen im Netz

Private Daten von tausenden Kindern und Jugendlichen waren auf dem Kinderportal haefft.de für jeden Interessierten frei zugänglich, berichtet der Chaos Computer Club (CCC). In dem Social Network tauschen Schüler Informationen wie Fotos, Adressen, Freunde, Hobbies, Vorlieben und private Nachrichten untereinander aus – ein passwortgeschütztes Zugangskonto vorausgesetzt.

ccc.de via

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Five years of Firefox


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Depressed woman loses benefits over Facebook photos

A Quebec woman on long-term sick leave is fighting to have her benefits reinstated after her employer's insurance company cut them, she says, because of photos posted on Facebook.

Nathalie Blanchard, 29, has been on leave from her job at IBM in Bromont, Que., for the last year and a half after she was diagnosed with major depression.


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Jack Wolfskin eröffnet den Abmahn-Herbst!

Mit Jack Wolfskin vergreift sich wiedermal eine weltweit agierende und sich selbst für integer haltende Marke an den kleinsten und schwächsten Gliedern des Long Tail. Jack Wolfskin, dessen Logo eine Wolfstatze ziert, untersagt allen Anbietern von Pfoten(!)-Designs die Verwendung derselben, denn Jack Wolfskin sieht seine Markenrechte verletzt!

Lernen Anwälte und PR-Menschen eigentlich nichts aus den Vorgängen der Vergangenheit? Wiedermal sind Abmahnanwälte im Namen einer Marke unterwegs, um ihr den Garaus zu machen. Wiedermal riskiert man wegen fragwürdiger Markenschutzbemühungen einen PR-Gau und das Image einer wertvollen Marke.


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