Web/CGI Proxy Servers (updated daily)

For use of a web proxy you do not need to change your browser settings, to install additional programs etc. Just open a web page of proxy in a browser then enter a required URL into the address field and press the "Go" button.


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Yahoo Slurp Makes a Mess

For months we’ve been carefully watching how the various bots consume Urbanspoon. We enticed them inside with fresh content, well constructed pages, and sitemaps. Despite our efforts, until quite recently Yahoo Slurp didn’t have much of an appetite for Urbanspoon. Instead of digging in and indexing the whole site, Yahoo Slurp preferred to nibble around the edges.


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What Happens Without Safe Harbor Protections: ISP Deletes All User Multimedia Files

In the ongoing case of Viacom against Google, one of the keys is whether or not Google/YouTube have protection under the DMCA safe harbor provisions, which are supposed to protect service providers from the actions of their users. This is an important, because without those safe harbor provisions, the increase in liability would basically cripple all kinds of internet service providers. For an example, just look to Australia, where an ISP was found liable for content its users hosted, leading another ISP to delete all multimedia files hosted by its users every night (these are only the files hosted on their web accounts, not on their home computers, obviously).


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'Day of silence' for US web radio

Web radio broadcasters across the US will hold a "day of silence" on Tuesday in protest at plans to hike royalty payments when music is played online.

The plan - due to come into force on 15 July - could cost webcasters around $1bn in additional administration fees, protesters claim.


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The world's smallest website

At just 18x18 pixels, you can play all sorts of games from pac-man to a full 3d arena!

The world's smallest website


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BayImg - Pirate Bay Launches Uncensored Image Hosting

BayImg is an uncensored image hosting service. It is the latest side project from the folks who bring you the Pirate Bay. Users of the new service don’t have to sign-up in order to upload images. The site features the use of “removal codes” that allows users to delete their own files. The site also includes tags to categorize images. BayImg currently supports 100+ file formats, and supports uploading zip and rar archives. The maximum file size of uploads is 100MB.

Last month, the guys at the Pirate Bay shook things up a bit by announcing that they were developing a streaming video site. With no censorship or forced removal of video, the new video project could stand to become a direct competitor with YouTube. YouTube has been receiving lots of flak from TV corporations and movie studios for hosting copyrighted content and being slow to take it down.


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Hackers target 'legitimate' sites

More than 10,000 websites have become unwitting hosts of malicious software, say security experts.

Those visiting the hijacked pages risk having keylogging software installed on their PC if it is not protected with the latest patches.


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Prometeus - The Media Revolution

Man is God. He is everywhere, he is anybody, he knows everything. This is the Prometeus new world. All started with the Media Revolution, with Internet, at the end of the last century.

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Firefox 3 Feature Preview

Firefox Alpha 5 arrived last Friday, bringing with it the first look at Places, the new bookmark management system. But the Firefox team has a number of additional UI tweaks up their sleeve and some of them look quite slick.


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Flaws galore in IE and Firefox

Polish security researcher Michal Zalewski, known for his seemingly unending stream of browser vulnerability discoveries, has struck again. This time he's reported four flaws that are sure to get the attention of bug squashers in both Microsoft and Mozilla camps.

theregister.co.uk Full Disclosure: Assorted browser vulnerabilities

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Google, Yahoo, Facebook Extensions Put Millions of Firefox Users At Risk

Firefox browser users love the myriad of third-party extensions that tweak the open-source browser's performance, but some of the most popular of those extensions have created a security hole so wide even a newbie AOL hacker could find it and millions of Firefox users are at risk of having their browsers hijacked.


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How Cory Doctorow Keeps Hostile Jerks From Taking Over His Online Community

I see that Cory Doctorow has made another panicked grab at relevancy once again! His most recent InformationWeek article, How To Keep Hostile Jerks From Taking Over Your Online Community, is his latest exercise in self-deception where he tries convincing himself that he knows something about the hip, happenin' thang we call the Innanet.


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