Download Day is here!

Sounds like a good deal, right? All you have to do to help us set the record for the most software downloaded in 24 hours is get Firefox 3 now – it’s that easy. We're not asking you to swallow a sword or to balance 30 spoons on your face, although that would be kind of awesome.

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Why You Should Download Firefox 3 Right Now

Firefox 3 — available for download at 10am PDT Tuesday — is the culmination of a two-year quest to build the best browser ever. And while it’s not perfect, it comes pretty close.

The open-source web browser is the fastest and most secure version of Firefox yet. Significant improvements have been made to the way it uses your computer’s resources, so the memory leaks and other performance problems found in Firefox 2 have been stamped out. Text and image rendering have also been improved, and the underlying code for Gecko, the engine that draws the actual web pages on the screen, has been updated. There are also heaps of useful features that have been added for both power users and newcomers alike.

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UK prisoners offered data cabling training

The scheme to establish a vocational learning academy at Wandsworth prison, London will be delivered by Cisco and the HM Prisons Service. Cisco reckons one in five jobs in data and network cabling go unfilled, a shortfall representing 61,000 jobs in the UK alone.

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Cuomo’s Child Porn Deal: The Death of USENET?

A lot of censorship and suppression of speech goes on these days, under the well meaning pretenses of curbing atrocious crime, but with the net effect silencing valuable communication. Just the yesterday, I talked about proposed legislation that the US Congress has in the works to criminalize emotional distressing speech under the auspices of ending cyber-bullying. Today, three of America’s largest Internet service providers have decided to voluntarily to censor one of the precursors to the Web: USENET.

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MediaDefender's BitTorrent-Based DOS Takes Down Revision3

Over the long Memorial Day weekend, Revision3 was the target of a malicious Denial Of Service Attack which brought R3 to its knees. After investigating the matter, it was discovered that the source of the attacks came from MediaDefender, the famed company hired by the MPAA and RIAA to try and stop the spread of illegal file sharing. The kicker? Revision3 was taken down for running a bittorent tracker to distribute its own legal content.

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Google Earth Comes To Your Browser

This doesn’t mean that Google Maps is on its way to the dustbin just yet. Google Maps will not serve Google Earth’s imagery; it merely gives developers a way to build mashups using Google Earth, too. And it means we’ll be seeing a lot of cool 3D geomashups (remember, Google Earth is 3d, Google Maps are 2d) in the future.

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is a free FireFox add-on which replaces advertising on websites with curated art images. The art shows are updated every two weeks and feature contemporary artists and curators.

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Tag Galaxy

ist ein weiteres witziges Tool, wo man nicht genau weiss, wofür es sinnvoll ist, aber es macht zumindest kurzweilig Spass. Es funktioniert so, dass man ein Schlagwort (Tag) eingibt und die Ergebnisse werden in einem rotierenden Globus angezeigt. Unklar ist, welche Services abgefragt werden, bei zwei Testversuchen kamen nur Flickr-Ergebnisse. Sieht aber gut aus und bewegt sich.

Tag Galaxy

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BSA Study Shows Software Piracy Declining in Many Countries

The results from the Business Software Alliance's fifth-annual study on global software piracy revealed some statistics that would put a smile on any software company executive's face: Of the 108 countries that are covered in the recently released report, the use of pirated software dropped in 67 countries. In just eight countries did the piracy rate increase.

The Best

1.United States

  1. Luxembourg

  2. New Zealand

  3. Japan

  4. Austria

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Peter Gabriel's Web Server Stolen

Web servers hosting musician Peter Gabriel's web site have gone missing from their data center. "Our servers were stolen from our ISP's data centre on Sunday night — Monday morning," reads a notice at The incident is the latest in a series of high-profile equipment thefts in the past year, including armed robberies in data centers in Chicago and London. How secure is your data center?


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Wikipedia Overrules US Department of Justice

The release of Wikiscanner last year brought much attention to white washing of controversial pages on the community generated encyclopedia. Apparently Wikipedia is very serious in fighting such behavior as they've temporarily blocked the US Department of Justice from editing pages for suspicious edits

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Experts warn over SQL injection attacks

Attackers are increasingly exploiting common database vulnerabilities to leave behind code on thousands of sites, redirecting visitors to servers that host malicious downloads, security experts warned last week.

The attacks, which apparently started at the beginning of April, attempt to use any field on a Web site that accepts user input to execute commands on the database that stores the site's information. Since most databases use some variant of the structured query language (SQL), the attack is known as SQL injection.

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