Pirate Bay Renamed Beijing Bay After Olympics Tracking

The Pirate Bay has a new logo, at least temporarily.

Pirate Bay Renamed Beijing


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ISPs block The Pirate Bay in Italy

The Pirate Bay has encountered its fair share of challenges lately. Earlier this month, TPB experienced some downtime, thanks to the compounding effect of traffic and server upgrades. Today, a blog post by spokesman Peter Sunde reports that The Pirate Bay has been blocked by all major ISPs in Italy.

slyck.com mashable.com

We have had fights previously in Italy, recently with our successful art installation where we had to storm Fortezza in order to get our art done. And as usual, we won. We will also win this time.

We have already changed IP for the website - that makes it work for half the ISPs again. And we want you all to inform your italian friends to switch their DNS to OpenDNS so they can bypass their ISPs filters. This will also let them bypass the other filters installed by the Italian government, as a bonus. And for the meanwhile - labaia.org works (La Baia means The Bay in Italian).

Fascist state censors Pirate Bay

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Chaos Computer Club bietet Betroffenen Hilfe gegen Zensur in China

Angesichts der breiten Empörung über die Zensur des Internet in China bietet der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) betroffenen Sportlern und Journalisten Hilfe bei der Umgehung der chinesischen Zensurmaßnahmen.

Die sog. Great Firewall of China [6] besteht aus einer Reihe von Filter- und Blockiertechnologien, die vorwiegend von Firmen aus den USA und Europa geliefert werden. Der chinesische Staat verhindert damit den Zugriff auf Webseiten, deren Inhalte ihm nicht genehm sind, oder ändert sogar den Inhalt abgerufener Webseiten.

"Die Zensur in China ist ein Symptom eines Überwachungsstaates, der von westlichen Konzernen seit Jahren technisch unterstützt wird", kommentiert Björn Pahls vom CCC die Situation. "Der CCC wendet sich seit seinem Bestehen gegen jede Form der Zensur, die in vielen Staaten Alltag geworden ist."

freedom stick

ccc.de chinesewall.ccc.de

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Chaos Computer Club offers help to victims of censorship in China

In response to widespread outrage against internet censorship in China, the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) offers aid in circumventing the censorship measures to the affected athletes and journalists.

The so-called "Great Firewall of China" [6] consists of an assortment of filtering and blocking technologies, most of them installed by corporations from the US and Europe. The Chinese government uses these systems to disable access to websites whose content does not suit them, or even modify website content en route to the user.

ccc.de chinesewall.ccc.de

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Britische Politiker fordern Sendezeiten fürs Internet

Manche Politiker haben eine niedliche Vorstellung vom Internet: Pappen wir einfach digitale Altersbeschränkungen auf pornografische oder gewaltverherrlichende Webvideos, und schon lassen die Kinder ihre Finger von dem bösen Zeug - das schlagen britische Parlamentsmitglieder vor.


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Hacker vows to fight extradition

A Briton accused of hacking into top-secret military computers has vowed to fight extradition to stand trial in the US after losing a court appeal.

Glasgow-born Gary McKinnon could face life in jail if convicted of accessing 97 US military and Nasa computers.

bbc.co.uk . techdirt.com

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Ex-Google engineers debut 'Cuil' way to search

Anna Patterson's last Internet search engine was so impressive that industry leader Google Inc. bought the technology in 2004 to upgrade its own system.

She believes her latest invention is even more valuable - only this time it's not for sale.

Patterson instead intends to upstage Google, which she quit in 2006 to develop a more comprehensive and efficient way to scour the Internet.

The end result is Cuil, pronounced "cool." Backed by $33 million in venture capital, the search engine plans to begin processing requests for the first time Monday.

wired.com . Search Engine Plugins

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Der Internet-Überwachungsplan der Polizei

Nach Informationen, die ORF.at vorliegen, diskutiert das Innenministerium derzeit mit den Providern über Maßnahmen für eine österreichische "Branchenlösung" zur Internet-Überwachung. Dabei verlangen die Dienste unmittelbaren Zugriff auf die Netzwerke der Anbieter. Auch bei verschlüsselten Skype-Telefonaten kann die Polizei mittlerweile mitlauschen.WEB

Merkwürdig: Seit Tagen bekommt Ihr Rechner immer ein und dieselbe IP-Adresse im ADSL-Netz zugewiesen, obwohl in den Geschäftsbedingungen ihres Providers ausdrücklich von dynamisch vergebenen, also stets wechselnden IP-Adressen die Rede ist.

Wenn dann auch noch Ihr Notebook vom UMTS-Anbieter bei jeder Einwahl ebenso mit stets derselben IP-Adresse versehen wird, dann liegt dass nicht an plötzlich geänderten Geschäftsbedingungen. Mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit werden vielmehr Ihre Internet-Zugänge polizeilich überwacht.


en.wikipedia.org . Universeller Einsatz von Deep Packet Inspection . Ärger mit Deep-Packet-Inspection

Bridge (Netzwerk)

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Happy Birthday Metafilter!

Cat-scan.com Cat-Scan.com is one of the strangest sites I've seen in some time. I have no idea how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why.


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The Pirate Bay Wants to Encrypt the Entire Internet

The team behind the popular torrent site The Pirate Bay has started to work on a new encryption technology that could potentially protect all Internet traffic from prying eyes. The project, which is still in its initial stages, goes by the name “Transparent end-to-end encryption for the Internets,” or IPETEE for short. It tackles encryption not on the application level, but on the network level, the aim being that all data exchanged on your PC would be encrypted, regardless of its nature — be it a web browser streaming video files or an instant messaging client. As Pirate Bay co-founder Fredrik Neij (a.k.a. Tiamo) told me, “Even applications that don’t supporting encryption will be encrypted where possible.”


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In Japan, a 900 Gigabyte Upload Cap, Downloads Uncapped

While the Broadband Bandits of the US are contemplating bandwidth caps between 5 gigabyte and 40 gigabyte per month, the largest telco in Japan has gone ahead and laid down some heavy caps for Japan's broadband addicts. From now on, if you upload more than 30 gigabyte per day, your network connection may be disconnected.


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VIDEO: If the CIA can collaborate with Web 2.0 tools, so can you

Having trouble trying to sell in Web 2.0-style collaboration to the higher ups in your enterprise organization? Are there VPs and CXOs that are shying away from wiki-style knowledge management because they don’t get it or they fear confidential information will be passed carelessly among employees and partners? Do they feel that the information is too sensitive, that it might get into the wrong hands?


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