How to avoid being shot by sniper
Sniper Experts Advise

People in suburban Washington trying not to get shot by a roaming gunman can flip the usual rules for staying safe, sniper experts said. Instead of avoiding dark, out-of-the-way spots, those places now may be the safest to buy groceries or pump gas, said retired Maj. John Plaster, former Army Green Beret and author of "The Ultimate Sniper," a police and military training manual.

¬> abc

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Sniper Shootings Washington Post Special

8th Killing Linked to Sniper A Philadelphia man was fatally shot at a Spotsylvania gas station, launching a massive and frustrating search for the sniper who has been stalking the Washington area for 10 days.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Washington Post

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Tests Link Va. Shooting to Sniper

Ballistics Tests Conclusively Link Shooting at Virginia Gas Station to D.C.-Area Sniper Attacks. A businessman gunned down at a gas station was killed by the same sniper or snipers who have shot nine other people in the Washington area, authorities said Saturday.

¬> Associated Press

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Police weigh multiple killers, vehicles

'If this is 1 shooter, he's got a helluva lot of energy – and luck' Authorities here are now investigating the possibility that the Beltway sniper shootings are the work of multiple shooters using multiple .223-caliber rifles and traveling in multiple white vehicles, WorldNetDaily has learned.

¬> WND

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Eyes Around Montgomery County, MD

Keep your eyes open Sniper Investigative Resources School Information Resources & Links

¬> aroundmc

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According to military source with experience in Vietnam, the recent sniper killings in the Washington area look like the work of a military "special operation" involving no less than two or three profesional snipers.

¬> click for a disturbing analysis

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Police Calls for Vigilance in Wake of Ninja Attacks
Snipers in the USA Ninjas in the Republic of Congo

The Republic of Congo (ROC) police called on Wednesday for "vigilance" in the country's capital, Brazzaville, following recent attacks in southern neighbourhoods of the city that left six people dead and several injured.

Although local residents told IRIN that anti-government "Ninja" militias were suspected as having carried out the attacks, this could not been confirmed.

¬> UN Integrated Regional Information Networks

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Police search for gunman in Virginia shooting

Thousands of police officers fanned out on roads and highways south of Washington in a massive manhunt, after a fatal shooting Friday at a gas station in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Witnesses near the scene of the shooting reported seeing two people in a white van. State police said they were looking for a white Chevrolet Astro-type minivan with ladders on top.

Sites of D.C.-area shootings that began on Oct. 2, 2002

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">CNN

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World media spotlight 'Washington in Angst'

Story's violence, mystery draw outlets' attention.
Around the globe - New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, China, South Africa - the search for the killer is grabbing attention. Even media outlets in Israel, where random violence is chillingly routine, are covering the story.

¬> sunspot

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samples of assault and hunting rifles that are of the caliber used in the shootings in Montgomery County Maryland

Below is only a sample and are not the only type that could have been used. Please, if you have any information about the use of any type of firearm used in criminal action call 911 or our tip line at 240-777-2600.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Montgomery Police

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FM 23-10

HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Washington, DC, 17 August 1994 Field Manual No. 23-10 FM 23-10 SNIPER TRAINING


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Did sniper learn his trade from a bulletin board?
Read this creepy thread from 3/01 and decide

Hey, people!

The events in the Washington DC area got me to remembering this thread. Thought I'd bring it back to the forefront, just in case...

¬> Shooters Talk

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