Sniper Still At Large

Law enforcement officials believe the sniper who has terrorized the Washington D.C. area is still at large, CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart reports. Stewart said the officials "feel confident" that neither of two men being questioned in connection with the shootings is the sniper. The men in custody after the seizure of a Plymouth van at a gas station in Richmond, Va., Monday are believed to have made a call to a phone number connected to the sniper case, but they are not thought to be the perpetrators.

¬> CBS

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Kleintransporter bei Tankstelle umzingelt

Bei der Jagd auf den mysteriösen Heckenschützen von Washington richtet sich die Aufmerksamkeit der USA jetzt auf Virginia: Dort hat die Polizei am Montagmorgen (Ortszeit) einen Mann festgenommen.

Wie der Fernsehsender CNN berichtete, wurden nahe der Stadt Richmond eine Telefonzelle und ein weißer Kleintransporter an einer Tankstelle von der Polizei umzingelt, bevor der Mann in Haft genommen wurde.

¬> ORF

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Police take two men into custody in Virginia

Police looking for the sniper who has terrorized the Washington area for nearly three weeks picked up two men for questioning Monday, a federal law enforcement source said. The first man was in a white minivan -- described by a witness as a Plymouth Voyager -- that had pulled up to a pay phone at a gas station in Henrico County. The second man was picked up "in the vicinity," the source said.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">CNN

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Police Apprehend Suspect in Sniper Case

Authorities in Virginia have taken a suspect into custody in what may be a development related to a series of sniper shootings in the Washington DC area. Police surrounded an outdoor phone at a service station in the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia, some 25 kilometers south of where a sniper struck Saturday. One person was detained and his car was taken away.

¬> VOA News

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U.S. Officials See No Sniper Link to Terror Group

Top U.S. officials said on Sunday authorities were investigating but had found no evidence to link a string of deadly sniper attacks in the Washington area to international terror groups. Secretary of State Colin Powell, appearing on "Fox News Sunday," said it was conceivable but unproven that the attacks were connected to the al Qaeda organization of Saudi-born militant Osama bin Laden, which the United States has blamed for last year's Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington.

¬> Reuters

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Police Make Appeal, Note Left at Sniper Scene

Police investigating the Washington area sniper attacks on Sunday issued an unusual public appeal for the person who left a message at the scene of a shooting in Virginia on Saturday to contact them.

"To the person who left us a message at the Ponderosa (restaurant) last night, you gave us a telephone number. We do want to talk to you, call us at the number you provided," Police Chief Charles Moose urged in a live broadcast. A 37-year-old man, who was not identified, was critically wounded by a single bullet as he walked across the restaurant parking lot with his wife in Ashland, Virginia about 80 miles south of Washington.


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Va. Police Seek Shooting Evidence

Authorities combed the woods and parking lot behind a steakhouse trying to find evidence that may link the shooting of 37-year-old man to the sniper attacks that have claimed nine lives in the Washington area.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank"> Associated Press

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US-Polizei kommt bei Suche nach Heckenschützen voran

Auf der Suche nach dem Heckenschützen von Washington hat die US-Polizei möglicherweise einen ersten Erfolg erzielt. Am Flughafen Dulles bei Washington sei ein weißer Kastenwagen sichergestellt worden, in dem die Reinigungskräfte einer Autovermietung eine Patronenhülse gefunden hätten, berichtete die "Washington Post". Gegen einen vermeintlichen Augenzeugen erhob die Polizei Anklage wegen Falschaussage.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Freie Presse

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Police seize white box truck with shell casing inside

Investigators of the Washington-area sniper shootings Friday night seized a white box truck after a shell casing was found inside the vehicle at a Virginia car rental agency, Montgomery County Police said.

¬> CNN

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Has killer sent '9-11' message?
Conspiracy Theorists Unite

9 dead out of 11 hit, and shootings seem to have stopped. It's been more than 72 hours since the Beltway sniper last struck, the longest stretch so far. To date, he's killed nine out of the 11 people he's shot.

He's 9 for 11, or 9-11.

Is it a sick Sept. 11 message from Islamic terrorists? "To be honest, I've thought of that," said Montgomery County Police Officer Joyce Utter in Maryland, where six of the shootings occurred.

¬> WorldNetDaily

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Sniper Eludes Police Despite Video

In response to the shooter's audacious attacks at shopping malls, gas stations and a school, businesses are adapting their security measures to deter the sniper from preying on customers. Some area gas stations are pointing cameras away from the pumps and into the space beyond in hopes of nabbing the sniper on tape. Video forensics examiners caution that adjusting a camera angle might prove futile if the technology cannot pick up images from farther away. As it is, cameras are often clumsily set up, catching the tops of people's heads instead of their faces.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Washingtonpost

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Are sniper investigators using the media to talk to a serial killer?

Investigators now say very little about the Washington-area sniper, and when they do it is unclear to some whether they're talking to the public or trying to manipulate a serial killer.

Criminal experts said Wednesday that every televised word may actually be crafted to deceive a shooter who enjoys the attention he is getting from killing nine and wounding two in neighborhoods surrounding the nation's capital.


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