Regierung verbietet Mitarbeitern Blackberry und iPhone

Wer für die deutsche Bundesregierung arbeitet, hat es als Fan von iPhone oder Blackberry schwer. Diese Smartphones werden als zu unsicher angesehen, um zum Teil sensible Daten darüber zu versenden. Das Innenministerium hält deshalb alle Ressorts zum Verzicht an, empfohlen wird nur ein einziges Gerät.

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German Judge: If Sex While Driving Is Legal, Why Isn't Driving While Phoning?

Six years ago, we noted in passing that a court ruling found that driving while having sex is perfectly legal in Germany (separately, it's apparently a popular practice in Russia). Part of the point was in discussing the troubling trend to try to pick off each and every "distraction" to outlaw -- and it seems like a judge in Germany is wondering the same thing. The judge, issuing a fine for a driver talking on his cell phone, started questioning whether it was legal at all to fine drivers for talking, noting how many other driver distractions were perfectly legal -- including sex, masturbation, shaving, changing the radio station and others.

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iPhone 3GS geknackt

Dem Hacker George Hotz ist es offenbar gelungen, ein Programm zu entwickeln, mit dem man beliebige Software auf dem iPhone 3GS installieren kann. Dem "purplera1n" getauften Tool fehlt allerdings noch die Möglichkeit, dem Smartphone andere SIM-Karten als solche des Netzbetreibers unterzuschieben, bei dem es gekauft wurde.

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iPhone 3GS Gets Jailbroken, Hack Available Online

The first jailbreaking application for the iPhone 3GS is now available. The tool, called purplera1n, will only allow the installation of unofficial third-party applications, but will not unlock the iPhone 3GS.

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Your Future Is Calling: 15 Cool Cell Phone Concepts

Cell phone technology and styling continue to progress by leaps and bounds bu that still leaves a lot of wiggle room for creative engineers eager to answer the call for ever odder phones. Here are 15 of the hottest cellphone concepts around. Your future’s calling!

Hyun Jin Yoon and Eun Hak Lee

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Bombendrohung wegen schlechtem Empfang

Ein 63-jähriger Mann drohte am Samstagabend das Gebäude der mobilkom austria in der Wiener Oberen Donaustraße in die Luft zu sprengen, teilte die Bundespolizeidirektion Wien am Sonntag mit. Er habe mit seinem Mobiltelefon zweimal das Call-Center des Anbieters kontaktiert und angegeben, vor den Büroräumen einen Lastwagen mit Sprengstoff deponiert zu haben.


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DTXTR Deciphers SMS Shorthand

Ever get an SMS and have absolutely no idea what the acronym soup is supposed to impart? Web app DTXTR (read: de-texter) translates txt speak into human-friendly words.

DTXTR Deciphers SMS Shorthand

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iPhone running Mac OS System 7

The MacOS iPhone project has successfully crunched the classic edition of Apple's Macintosh operating system, released in 1991, onto the company's popular cellphone. It took many weeks just to get it running, the developers report, but ultimately the whole system, including apps like MacPaint and MacDraw, run well enough to "sit for hours playing this this."

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Skype calls' immunity to police phone tapping threatened

Suspicious phone conversations on Skype could be targeted for tapping as part of a pan-European crackdown on what law authorities believe is a massive technical loophole in current wiretapping laws, allowing criminals to communicate without fear of being overheard by the police.

The European investigation could also help U.S. law enforcement authorities gain access to Internet calls. The National Security Agency (NSA) is understood to believe that suspected terrorists use Skype to circumvent detection.

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Obama's BlackBerry still hackable, warns Mitnick

President Obama's 'bullet-proof' BlackBerry might still be cracked, according to uber-hacker Kevin Mitnick.

The social engineering pioneer and ex-con turned security consultant said that although breaking into the supposedly super-secure device would be difficult, it wouldn't be impossible. "It's a long shot, but it's possible," Mitnick told Fox News. "You'd probably need to be pretty sophisticated, but there's people out there who are."

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Obama gets to keep his BlackBerry - t's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's 'super-encryption'

President Obama can keep his BlackBerry, making him the first sitting president to use email.

Barack Obama has resisted calls to relinquish his beloved handheld despite concerns over personal security, espionage, and presidential record-keeping.

"He has a BlackBerry through a compromise that allows him to stay in touch with senior staff and a small group of personal friends in a way that use will be limited and security enhanced to ensure his ability to communicate, but to do so effectively and to do so in a way that is protected," White House press secretary Roberts Gibbs told reporters on Thursday.

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Experten rechnen mit 300 Millionen Neujahrs-SMS

Gutes Geschäft für die Mobilfunkanbieter: Zum Jahreswechsel rechnet der Branchenverband Bitkom mit 300 Millionen Handy-Kurznachrichten. Vieltipper verschicken in der Nacht zum 1. Januar demnach etwa fünf SMS.

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