Topic: NATURE - on August 23, 2009 at 12:29:00 PM CEST
Portsmouth lobstermen make a one-in-5-million find with blue crustacean
You can't blame longtime lobsterman Bill Marconi for thinking he caught a Miller Light can Wednesday when he pulled a trap to find something that marine experts say carries a one in five million chance of being caught.
Call it the kind of catch made once in a blue moon because Marconi snagged himself a rare cobalt-blue lobster whose coloring is said to come from how certain rare animals process a complex antioxidant pigment that is absorbed in the crustaceans' skin and shell.
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Topic: NATURE - on August 21, 2009 at 11:46:00 AM CEST
In hot water: World sets ocean temperature record
The average water temperature worldwide was 62.6 degrees, according to the National Climatic Data Center, the branch of the U.S. government that keeps world weather records. That was 1.1 degree higher than the 20th century average, and beat the previous high set in 1998 by a couple hundredths of a degree. The coolest recorded ocean temperature was 59.3 degrees in December 1909.
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Topic: NATURE - on August 16, 2009 at 2:15:00 PM CEST
Catwalk der Kamele
Wer hat den hübschesten Höcker, die längsten Beine, die niedlichste Nase, den prallsten Hintern? Beim jährlichen Schaulauf der Kamele im Emirat Abu Dhabi geht es zu wie bei einer Miss-Wahl. Doch es zählt nicht nur Aussehen - sondern vor allem viel Geld.
Nebel liegt über der Wüste, dicht wie ein Sandsturm. Im Schutz der Dunkelheit schleichen Kundschafter von Lager zu Lager. Vor vier Wochen sind Beduinenkarawanen aus Oman, Saudi-Arabien, Katar und anderen Ländern über die Arabische Halbinsel gezogen, um hier, an einem abgelegenen Ort im Emirat Abu Dhabi, an einer der großen gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen Arabiens teilzunehmen: dem jährlichen Schönheitswettbewerb der Kamele.
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Topic: NATURE - on August 16, 2009 at 12:01:00 PM CEST
Thai elephant gets artificial leg
A 48-year-old Thai elephant has been fitted with an permanent artificial leg, 10 years after losing a limb from treading on a land mine.
Motola was measured up at an elephant hospital on Saturday before experts made the leg and fitted it on Sunday.
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Topic: NATURE - on August 9, 2009 at 12:20:00 PM CEST
Baby elephant enjoys a bath and a shower
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Topic: NATURE - on August 9, 2009 at 12:14:00 PM CEST
Hecht attackierte im Irrsee Zwölfjährige
Beim Schwimmen spürte die Zwölfjährige plötzlich einen stechenden Schmerz im linken Bein. Der Stiefvater des Mädchens kam dem schreienden Mädchen zu Hilfe und sah noch einen rund 60 Zentimeter langen Hecht davon schwimmen. Die stark blutende Wunde am Bein musste von einem Arzt versorgt werden.
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Topic: NATURE - on August 7, 2009 at 12:32:00 PM CEST
Kanadischen Berge
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Topic: NATURE - on July 25, 2009 at 1:32:00 PM CEST
Pictured: 'Holy grail' of whale research as mother lifts her newborn out of the water to take its very first breath
The moment a mother humpback whale gently helps her newborn calf to take its very first breath has been captured on camera.
The rare event is described as the 'Holy Grail' for whale-watchers. Marine scientists said they watched in astonishment as the mother swam beneath the distressed baby and lifted it above the water, clearing its blowhole to take in air.
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Topic: NATURE - on July 25, 2009 at 1:22:00 PM CEST
30 Enchanting Pictures of Mushrooms, Toadstools And Fungi
For thousands of years, human beings have been fascinated and intrigued about mushrooms, toadstools and other members of the fungi kingdom.
The Aztecs considered certain species of mushrooms to be sacred, calling them Teonanácatl (“the flesh of the gods”). Druids and shamans coveted these fungi for their hallucinogenic properties, using them to enter a trance like state during their elaborate (and bloody) rituals. The consumption of certain fungal species, however, brought about a slow, torturous and painful death. People in the ancient world alternately feared and revered these mystical qualities of the organisms, associating them with to the supernatural. Writers and storytellers still use them as literary devices to invoke the imagery of mystery, decay, danger and death.
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Topic: NATURE - on July 23, 2009 at 10:29:00 AM CEST
Längsten Sonnenfinsternis des 21. Jahrhundert
Aufgenommen am frühen Mittwochmorgen (Ortszeit) in Iwo Jima, Japan. Ich empfehle den Sound auszumachen und irgendwas…
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Topic: NATURE - on July 22, 2009 at 11:02:00 AM CEST
July 22, 2009 we will witness the longest solar eclipse of the 21st century
The eclipse will last exactly 6 minutes and 39 minutes, being the longest of the 21st century and will only be surpassed on June 13, 2132. After those from the Gulf of Khambhat, also Chinese and Japanese will be able to see the solar eclipse.
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Topic: NATURE - on July 19, 2009 at 12:34:00 PM CEST
Mysteriöse Invasion riesiger Kalmare beunruhigt Taucher
Sie sind bis zu anderthalb Meter groß und bis zu 45 Kilogramm schwer: Zahllose Kalmare schwimmen derzeit vor Südkalifornien. Taucher haben Angst vor den messerscharfen Waffen der Tiere. Manche berichten von Angriffen, manche sagen, die riesigen Schwimmer seien einfach nur neugierig.
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