A great photo gallery of custom made Chopper Bicycles

Chopper Bicycles


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How to turn an LCD display into a projector

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Assembling your face-mounted lucid dreaming mask

For the uninitiated, lucid dreaming is a phenomenon whereby a person who is asleep and dreaming realizes that he (or she) is dreaming, and continues to control the dream, acting out fantasies or gaining special powers all within the dream.

I find it a wonderful concept - every night you enter a fake reality (your dreams) and have the opportunity to break out of it (just like Neo in The Matrix).


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Rubber band powered helicopter made from a business card

I discovered this while searching the 'Net today. Make a rubber band powered helicopter out of a business card? Wow! This sounds simply fantastic!


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The Open source gift guide - Open source hardware, software and more for the holidays

There are hundreds of gift guides this holiday season filled with junk you can buy - but a lot of time you actually don't own it, you can't improve upon it, you can't share it or make it better, you certainly can't post the plans, schematics and source code either. We want to change that, we've put together our picks of interesting open source hardware projects, open source software, services and things that have the Maker-spirit of open source.


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Make a DVD Burner into a High-Powered Laser

The laser pictured above has a peak output measured at 225 mW (average output 200 mW). It's a visible red at about 650nm. It can light matches, pop balloons, cut electrical tape, and so forth. It can do pretty much anything a Pulsar 150 from Wicked Lasers can do, because it's basically the same thing. The only differences? This laser was home-made, and cost about 1/3 the price.


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HOW TO - MAKE: sushi

Sushi is expense, it's cheaper and a lot more fun to make it yourself. More so when the instructions come on the nori...


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