Dead Sodas

Collecting old cans and bottles of soda, preferably full, is one of the things about me that I try to hide from those closest. It's a shameful hobby, I admit, but it's not my fault God wired me in such a way that I cannot live without two sealed cans of Surge serving as bookends for six or seven really light books.

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Abandoned Russian Planes

They now stand some more some less disassembled under the severe Russian climate, sharing their parts with some their more lucky brothers who are still flying.

There can be seen different types of planes - military and civil, all of them abandoned now.

Abandoned Russian Planes

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Who are the Ant People?

All across the American Southwest we find petroglyphs (rock carvings) or pictographs (rock paintings) depicting entities with spindly bodies, large eyes, and bulbous heads that sometimes project antennae. These eerie figures are frequently shown in a “prayer stance,” their elbows and knees positioned at right angles, similar to the ant’s bent legs.

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World's oldest person dies at 116

Elizabeth "Lizzy" Bolden died at a nursing home in Memphis, Tennessee.

Born in 1890, she married at 19 and was widowed in the 1950s. She suffered a stroke in 2004 and spoke little after that.

Elizabeth Bolden [Wikipedia]

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FBI Issues Alert for Stolen Propane Tankers

FBI agents in Texas issued a nationwide alert on Tuesday for two stolen propane tanker trucks, laden with thousands of gallons of the volatile liquefied gas.

A San Antonio gas company discovered the trucks, one carrying 3,000 gallons and the other carrying 2,500 gallons, had been stolen after employees returned on Tuesday from the U.S. Memorial Day holiday weekend, the FBI said.

¬> Reuters

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14.4m letters lost each year

The Royal Mail is being urged to end the "excessive" use of agency staff in a bid to halt the huge number of letters being delivered to the wrong address.

Research by consumer group Postwatch showed that 14.4 million items of post were lost every year with 60% simply being put through the wrong letterbox.


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Petition Jack Daniels to bring back orginal 90 proof

We the undersigned have enjoyed Jack Daniel Tennessee Sipping Whiskey for many years. We however protest the surreptitious drop in alcohol content over the past several years. In the past 15 years the proof of Jack Daniels Black label has dropped from 90 to 86 to 80 proof.


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Ein neues "Nippelgate"?

Janet Jackson zeigt viel Haut bei "Saturday Night Live"

Janet Jackson hat sich in einer amerikanischen Fernsehsendung über ihre mittlerweile weltberühmte "Garderoben-Fehlfunktion" lustig gemacht. In der Show "Saturday Night Live" spielte die Sängerin in einem Sketch die Nationale Sicherheitsberaterin Condoleezza Rice, die vor der Kommission zu den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 aussagen muss. "Vizepräsident Dick Cheney", gespielt von Darrell Hammond, riet ihr darin, doch kurz die Bluse zu öffnen, um die Öffentlichkeit von ihrer Aussage abzulenken.


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No Smoke in the Sunshine

Stadt Los Angeles will Rauchen auch am Strand verbieten

Nicht nur in Bars und Restaurants, auch an den Stränden von Los Angeles soll bald das Rauchen verboten sein. Die Verwaltung der zweitgrößten Stadt der USA plane eine entsprechende Anordnung, die "in den kommenden Wochen" vom Stadtrat gebilligt werden solle, sagte der federführende Abgeordnete Jack Weiss am Dienstag. Damit wären fast 21 Kilometer Strand rund um die kalifornische Metropole rauchfrei.


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Bicycle Riding on Square Wheels

Before starting our long working week, let's relax with this story of a bicycle with square wheels. No, it's not a joke. And it even rides smoothly. But there is a trick: the road must have a specific shape. The Math Trek section of Science News Online tells us more about this strange bicycle -- actually a tricycle with two front wheels and one back wheel.


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Jeder zehnte Brite hält Hitler für eine Erfindung

Die Briten überraschen immer wieder - und nicht nur mit ihrem bisweilen seltsamen Humor. Verblüffend ist das Inselvolk auch dann, wenn es etwas ernst meint. So glauben beispielsweise etliche Briten, dass Hitler eine Erfindung ist.


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Hitler wasn't real, says one in 10 historically challenged Britons

British people are ignorant of some of the most important events and people in this country's history, a new survey has revealed.

One in 10 of the 2,000 adults questioned in the survey commissioned by Blenheim Palace thought that Adolf Hitler was not a real person, and half were convinced that King Arthur existed.


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