I Swallowed a 64GB microSD Card

A couple of weeks ago, my team and I pulled together a weekend poolside shoot with models, perfect weather, and a drone. I operated the drone and got some beautiful footage. Magnificent footage. Award-winning footage. After the shoot, while putting the drone away and packing up all the gear, it occurred to me that there’s usually the hassle of having to unpack it later just to get the memory card. So I removed the microSD while I still sort of had my hands full and put it between my lips (ostensibly for 10 seconds before I could put it in my wallet).


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Zimbabwe’s trillion-dollar note: from worthless paper to hot investment

The central bank of Zimbabwe issued $100,000,000,000,000 notes during the last days of hyperinflation in 2009, and they barely paid for a loaf of bread. But their value has shot up.


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Wie wahrscheinlich die Fünfer-Reihe ist

Drei Lotto-Spieler haben am Mittwoch auf die richtigen Zahlen gesetzt: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 wurden als Reihe gezogen – und die 37. Äußerst ungewöhnlich! Wirklich?


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Trippy Video Produces Hallucinogenic Effects

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Your Ass Isn't Worth It: $1-Million/Roll Gold Toilet Paper

This is the most expensive toilet paper roll in the world. A Quality 3ply toilet paper with 22 carat gold through the roll. As you use the toilet paper 22 carat gold flakes will fall onto the floor and your behind taking you to another level of sophistication.

22 Carat Gold Toilet Paper


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Foebud protestiert gegen Funkchips in Kleidern

RFID-Chips, die in Kleidung eingenäht sind, lassen sich aus mehreren Metern Entfernung noch auslesen. Das haben die Datenschützer des Bielefelder Vereins Foebud bei einer Protestaktion gezeigt.

Der Verein zur Förderung des öffentlichen bewegten und unbewegten Datenverkehrs (Foebud) hat in Bielefeld gegen die Ausstattung von Kleidungsstücken mit Funkchips (Radio-Frequency Identification, RFID) protestiert. Die Chips stellten eine Gefahr für den Datenschutz und die Privatsphäre dar: Darauf ist eine eindeutige Produkt- und Seriennummer gespeichert, über die der Träger wiedererkennbar ist.

golem.de foebud.org

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The Playboy Interview: Marshall McLuhan

In 1961, the name of Marshall McLuhan was unknown to everyone but his English students at the University of Toronto — and a coterie of academic admirers who followed his abstruse articles in small-circulation quarterlies. But then came two remarkable books — The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) and Understanding Media (1964) — and the graying professor from Canada’s western hinterlands soon found himself characterized by the San Francisco Chronicle as “the hottest academic property around.” He has since won a world-wide following for his brilliant — and frequently baffling — theories about the impact of the media on man; and his name has entered the French language as mucluhanisme, a synonym for the world of pop culture.

nextnature.net old shit

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Children's Day 20 November

By resolution 836(IX) of 14 December 1954, the General Assembly recommended that all countries institute a Universal Children's Day, to be observed as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children. It recommended that the Day was to be observed also as a day of activity devoted to promoting the ideals and objectives of the Charter and the welfare of the children of the world. The Assembly suggested to governments that the Day be observed on the date and in the way which each considers appropriate. The date 20 November, marks the day on which the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in 1989.


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Derren Brown: mind over magic

The illusionist baffles and delights audiences with his mind games, but he wonders if this really what a grown-up should be doing.

"I’m always slightly beset by embarrassment about being a magician,” whispers Derren Brown, the most successful magician we’ve had since Paul Daniels fever gripped the nation three decades ago. Right now, another kind of fever is gripping Brown: in a dim dressing-room in Oxford, where his latest stage show has stopped off en route to the West End, he is surrounded by vials of bubbling potions and healing magic powders. Well, OK, bottles of Benylin and sachets of Lemsip. He’s lost his voice. He’s looking pale. Can the show go on?


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Elephant Appreciation Day

WHAT? Elephant Appreciation Day was declared beginning in 1996 by Mission Media to celebrate the Elephant because...
* is the largest land mammal of our era,
* is unique among mammals for its trunk,
* is the most noble of beasts on earth,
* is most undeservedly threatened with extinction,
* has been man's benefactor in numerous ways throughout history,
* is entertaining and amusing,
* is gentle and friendly,
* contributes to ecosystem development and maintenance, 

and generally deserves to be appreciated and upheld as an example of courage, strength, self-reliance, patience, persistence, and general high quality of being.

YouTube - The Elephant Orchestra - Thailand

himandus.net wiki via

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Adolf Hitler und Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein (* 26. April 1889 in Wien; † 29. April 1951 in Cambridge) war ein österreichisch-britischer Philosoph des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er lieferte bedeutende Beiträge zur Philosophie der Logik, der Sprache und des Bewusstseins. Seine beiden Hauptwerke Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung (Tractatus logico-philosophicus 1921) und Philosophische Untersuchungen (1953, postum) wurden zur Grundlage zweier philosophischer Schulen, des Logischen Positivismus und der analytischen Sprachphilosophie.

ilwg.eu de.wikipedia.org

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Free Tools to Manage New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year, lifehackers! Lots of you are kicking off 2008 with New Year's resolutions, but they won't keep themselves. To reach the goals you've set out for yourself in '08, follow through each and every one of the next 365 days—several free tools can help you with just that. Track your progress and help motivate yourself to stick to your New Year's resolutions with our favorite goal tracking webapps and tools.


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