Major University Dumps Gmail Over Security Concerns

The University of California – Davis has stopped using Gmail for its 30,000-member staff and faculty body. The university was trying Gmail for faculty and staff with plans to roll out service to the entire campus. But school officials say this email system isn’t secure or private enough to meet their standards.

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Google Gmail Not for Resale

Google says they will take action to stop the trading of Gmail accounts for monetary profit. The Gmail service is by invitation only. Many users are snatching up common or trade names in the hopes to sell them off later for money & favors.

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Gmail Swap

The site "Gmail Swap" announces: "only a handful of lucky ducks who have snagged an account. And while the rest of us go hungry, you can be sure that the best email addresses are being gulped down by nefarious hooligans."

To get around having to have a lame address like "," the site has a swap board where people try to make deals to get good email address names. See

At one glance it appears many of the swap offers are comical with people offering "my soul" or "access to my infinite mind." Others offer money through PayPal, electronics or concert recordings. Perhaps, creativity would spare the need for offers?

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