Alles ist jetzt Fake News

Mittlerweile ist irgendwie alles Fake News: dubiose Geheimdienstleaks, ganz normale journalistische Artikel und sogar soziale Proteste in Mexiko. Unser Überblick zu den Debatten und Forderungen der letzten Tage und Wochen.

Das Thema Fake News entwickelt sich so langsam zu einem Erklärungsansatz, der für alle möglichen gesellschaftlichen, politischen und publizistischen Phänomene bemüht wird. Auf die gestrigen Veröffentlichungen bei CNN und Buzzfeed reagierte Donald Trump mit einem in kapitalen Lettern geschriebenen Tweet: „FAKE NEWS – A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!“. In einer turbulenten Pressekonferenz legte er nach und beschimpfte gar CNN mit den Worten „Ihr seid Fake News!“ Zuletzt erklärten mexikanische Behörden gegenüber der Zeitung El Universal, dass die Sozialproteste gegen eine Erhöhung des Benzinpreises durch Social Bots und Fake News angeheizt worden seien. Und hierzulande kann man manchmal den Eindruck bekommen, dass Rassismus und rechte Umfrageerfolge zunehmend mit Fake News und Meinungsrobotern erklärt werden.

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Dead Giveaway The 35 Page Dossier Was A Hoax? The British Don't Use "Confidential," They use "Official"

The identity of the British intelligence officer responsible for preparing and delivering the now infamous 35 page hoax has been revealed as Christopher Steele, courtesy of the Wall St. Journal. If you want to dig into his profile, click here. As people piece together this rapidly unfolding quagmire - which will be in the history books, it's important to address as many facets as possible in order to avoid perpetuating #FakeNews. As Oliver Stone said, more or less, the MSM is biased - and alternative news has the real deal, so let's discuss.

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No, 4chan Didn’t Make BuzzFeed’s Intelligence Report on Donald Trump

Members of the anonymous imageboard 4chan are claiming responsibility for the BuzzFeed report about a 35-page dossier alleging that the Russian government has compromising material, on Donald Trump. The report, which remains unverified, also contained lurid sexual allegations about the President-elect. The Wall Street Journal reports that “people close to the matter” identified the document’s author as Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer who is now a director for a private security company called Orbis Intelligence Ltd.

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‘4Chan’ Idiots Pee On Stupidest Man On Internet, Tell Him It’s Raining

Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit, The Stupidest Man On The Internet, was thrilled to report Tuesday night that Buzzfeed, CNN and our very own government GOT PUNKED! Totally punked you guys! Because they all believed the dossier on Trump (the one with the pee hookers) came from an MI6 agent… when in fact, it came from 4chan! Yes, according to Jim Hoft, this is FAKE NEWS! And everyone but the clever Jim Hoft done fell for it! The fools!

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