Farmer's Diamonds Go to Waste But Are Recovered

It's not quite the goose that laid the golden egg, but an Indian diamond merchant's prize cow is producing bejeweled dung.

Dilubhai Rajput had stashed a bag of more than 1,700 small diamonds, worth almost $900, in a pile of hay at his home in Gujarat state, famous both for its dairy and diamond-cutting industries, but hadn't reckoned on the risk of a hungry cow.

¬> reuters

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Website row pits B.C. teen against Microsoft

A Vancouver Island high school student who does Web site design part-time is locked in a legal battle with one of the biggest companies in the world.

Microsoft Corp. of Seattle, currently valued at $300 billion US, wants Mike Rowe to give up.


¬> ¬> ¬>

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91-Jähriger zum Bundesheer einberufen

Der 91-jährige Franz Schiendorfer aus Bad Ischl soll am Mittwoch in die Kaserne Wals einrücken. Der zweifache Opa hat einen Tag vor Weihnachten den Einberufungsbefehl vom Bundesheer erhalten.

¬> orf

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Crikey! 'Crocodile Hunter' dangles baby during show

Crocodile hunter Steve Irwin took his month-old son to his first croc feeding on Friday, offering the reptile a chicken with one hand and holding the baby in the other.

advertisement With a capacity crowd looking on, Irwin dangled a dead chicken before the 13-foot crocodile named Murray, which snapped up the offering. Irwin’s tiny son Bob looked on from his other arm.

¬> msnbc ¬> cnn ¬> bbc

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Falsch getankt oder nur zuviel ?

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Eine schraube locker
Loose screw halts nuclear plant

Spanish nuclear technicians have got a screw loose - forcing an entire plant to stay off-line.

Two days of intensive searching have failed to find the 2.5cm-diameter (one-inch) screw - forcing the plant to stay shut until further notice.

¬> bbc

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Spain's 'dumbest robber' netted at the bank

A 20-year-old Spaniard earned himself a reputation as the country's dumbest bank robber when he showed his identity card to the teller he was threatening at gunpoint in the Majorca capital Palma.

¬> iol

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Bug Bombs Blast Bungalow

The owners of the house at 3715 Euclid Ave. reportedly set off 19 bug bombs in the home to exterminate insects, only to have the gas inside the containers fill the house until a pilot light ignited it, tearing the house apart.

¬> ¬> KGTV

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Drove drunk to driving test

A 50-year-old man taking a written exam to expand his drivers license to include trucking had his car confiscated after turning up for the test drunk. The man did manage to complete the examination before local law enforcement arrived, newspaper Hordaland reports.

"I noticed that there was a suspicious smell of alcohol coming from where he sat. I wanted to investigate and so chose to notify the local police," said Hogne Skjervheim at the Public Roads Administration.


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Frau warf Mann Hund nach -
aus zweiten Stock

"Du hast noch was vergessen", rief eine Ehefrau ihrem Mann nach, als dieser die Wohnung in Wien-Penzing Sonntagfrüh nach einem Streit verließ, und warf ihm aus dem zweiten Stock den Hund nach.

¬> orf

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A TERRIFYING threat to Britain's security can today be revealed by the Sunday Mirror.

With the country on its highest-ever state of alert amid fears of a Christmas terror strike our investigators infiltrated a cell of Muslim extremists - and bought enough Semtex to blow up Oxford Street and the Houses of Parliament or down 40 Lockerbie jets.

¬> sunday mirror

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Christmas Tree Made of Beer Cans Removed

One woman's tree entered at a Christmas festival apparently had a little too much holiday cheer for organizers' tastes.

That's why the original "Jingle Buds" — a tree made entirely of emptied beer cans — lasted about as long as a pint on nickel night.

¬> ap ¬> old shit

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