Omahan says his dealer is after him

In his application, he wrote: "Roger tryed (sic) to run me over with his car, trid (sic) to beat me up, stold (sic) my bike, cut both tires, attacked me with a bat and tried to press charges against me for assalt (sic)."

The reason for the rampage?

"BECAUSE I WON'T BUY ANYMORE DRUGS FROM HIM," the man wrote. Both men have been arrested before for possessing drugs, court records show.


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Man charged after cat killed in microwave

The SPCA has charged a 21-year-old South Auckland man after he allegedly killed a cat by putting it in a microwave oven.

Auckland SPCA senior inspector Bruce Wills said the allegation was that a man had been at the cat owner's house drinking and placed the two-year-old ginger and white female cat in the microwave.


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Australian pub's mice-chewing contest provokes outrage

A competition at an Australian pub where contestants chewed live mice in order to win a holiday was condemned as outrageous cruelty by an animal welfare group. The RSPCA said it would seek the maximum penalty against the two participants in the competition at the Brisbane pub where the incident occurred in front of horrified patrons.


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Film fan flounders with Mary Poppins leap

A film fan ended up in hospital after trying to imitate Mary Poppins by leaping out of his second floor apartment window holding an umbrella, a news report said on Thursday. He later told police he decided to try the stunt because he feared his microwave oven was about to explode.


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Thief's clear clue for investigators

A MAN was caught on video while he allegedly stole a CCTV camera from a Formby garage.

The images captured are some of the clearest ever released by Merseyside Police.


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Amokfahrt mit Planierraupe in US-Kleinstadt

Mit einem Bulldozer hat ein verärgerter Geschäftsmann eine Kleinstadt im Westen der USA in Angst und Schrecken versetzt.

Der etwa 50-jährige Mann steuerte mit seiner mit Stahlplatten verstärkten Planierraupe in Granby im US-Bundesstaat Colorado in mehrere Gebäude hinein und riss Strommasten nieder, wie die Polizei mitteilte.


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A 52-year-old welder nursing a grudge against the town fathers and driving a bulldozer converted into a war machine ripped the heart of this high-country ranching town from its foundations Friday.

Among the structures destroyed or heavily damaged in a relentless 90-minute rampage were Granby's town hall and library, a bank, the town's newspaper, an electric cooperative building, Gambles Store, an excavating business and a house owned by the town's former mayor, as well as a concrete plant adjacent to the business of the man believed responsible for the bizarre assault.


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Parodie auf iPod-Werbung mit Folterbild aus Irak

Die bekannte iPod-Werbung mit den schwarzen Silhoutten verschiedener Personen auf farbigem Hintergrund mit dem weißen Gerät ist allseits bekannt. Jetzt wurde eine Parodie auf die Werbung veröffentlicht.

Auf dem im Design der iPod-Werbung gehaltenen Plakat wurde ein Folterbild aus dem Irak eingefügt. Es zeigt die schwarze Silhouette eines Mannes im Umhang mit dem typisch weißen iPod-Gerät.

Der Werbespruch von iPod wurde ersetzt durch iRaq und der iPod-Slogan durch '10.000 Volt in Deiner Tasche, schuldig oder nicht.'


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Drunken trucker looses noodle, runs down ramen cook

A truck driver was arrested Thursday for attempted murder after he mowed down a noodle stand operator who had ordered him away for arguing with other customers, police said.

Arrested was 37-year-old Ryoji Kimura, who admits to the allegations, though added that he was severely drunk at the time of the incident.

¬> mainichi

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Vatikan warnt vor Misch-Ehen

Scharfe "Instruktion" an katholische Frauen: Frauen seien der "weniger geschützte Teil der muslimischen Familie". Muslime sollen Persönlichkeitsrechte achten. Der Vatikan hat in einem ungewöhnlich scharfen offiziellen Dokument vor Mischehen zwischen katholischen Frauen und Muslimen gewarnt. Hier gebe es "bittere Erfahrungen". Die Frau sei der "weniger geschützte Teil der muslimischen Familie", heißt es in dem gestern veröffentlichen Schreiben, das die Seelsorge für Migranten zum Thema hat.


P.S. Misch-ehen warnen vor der katholische kirche. Singels auch!!

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Student was sent gun instead of MP3 player

A Canadian student who bought an MP3 player on the internet auction site eBay, was sent a handgun instead.

Brandon Buchan, an English student at the University of Saskatchewan, was sent an unloaded .22-calibre Smith & Wesson gun and a licence by mistake.

¬> ananova

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Oral Sex: A Dangerous New Trend!

Creation Science teaches us that a thousand years to human beings is like a light burp to the Lord. So, it isn't any wonder that God is just now finding out that His most sinful creatures (humans) have become very keen on slithering their tongues like a serpent of Satan into disgusting places on other folks' bodies that they can't reach on their own. Creation Scientists are beginning to believe that the talk around the water coolers in Heaven is that God's creatures on Earth are using their mouths for a lot more than simply eating food and preaching the Gospel.


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