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Die Insel gegen die Polizei

Die Bürger von Valle Gran Rey sind auf die Straße gegangen und haben in einem Volksaufstand die Guardia Civil aus dem Tal geprügelt. Alle Zufahrtstraßen wurden verbarrikadiert. Das Polizeirevier wurde verwüstet. Es ist bis auf weiteres geschlossen.

Überlegt euch gut, was ihr tut”, sagte Bürgermeister Esteban Bethencourt zum Befehlshaber der Einsatztruppe der Guardia Civil, die sich mit mehr als zwanzig Fahrzeugen in Arure, oberhalb von Valle Gran Rey, versammelt hatte. “Wenn ihr unser Dorf stürmt, dann kann ich nicht dafür garantieren, dass nicht auf euch geschossen wird!”


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Joints mindestens so dick wie die Bullen dämlich

Als Gerhard Seyfried bei der Frankfurter Buchmesse auftrat, tat er das nicht als Comiczeichner. In der Romanfabrik wird es keine neuen Geschichten über trottelige und knollennasige Polizisten oder Kreuzberger Szeneidyllen geben. Seyfried las stattdessen aus seinem jüngsten Roman.

Quelle: www.seyfried-berlin.de


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BB-Jerry: Vom TV-Knast hinter echte Gitter?

Besonders helle ist er nicht, der Jerry: Beim Small Talk mit Lidiya plauderte er vor dem "Big Brother"-Publikum unheimlich un-heimlich über seine Karriere als Koks-Dealer. Und siehe da: Auch die Drogenfahndung schaut "Big Brother". Und ermittelt nun gegen Jerry.


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Students make fake money with computer

A couple of Oregon college students are in trouble for making money -- with a computer. And they didn't do a very good job of it.

The Linfield College students scanned real ten-dollar bills. But the copies they produced had a number of defects, including off-color ink, the wrong dimensions and smudges.


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Clerk accepts fake $200 'Bush' bill

At first glance it looked like the real thing, so store clerk Kathryn Miller was happy to accept the $200 bill as payment -- and even make change.

The bill did carry a picture of President George W. Bush, but he is not one of the presidents who appear on the U.S. currency and in any case there is no such thing as a $200 (112 pounds) bill.

Among other things, the bill had a hokey serial number – DUBYA4U2001.

reuters wjla abclocal

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9/11 toy found inside candy bags

Small toys showing an airplane flying into the World Trade Center were packed inside more than 14,000 bags of candy and sent to small groceries around the country before being recalled.


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Man nailed for using rifle to fix screen

A Charlottetown man who substituted a rifle for a nail gun will not be allowed to own or possess firearms for five years.

Michael Robert Porter decided a sawed-off 22-calibre rifle could help him with a bit of home improvement.


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Man Jailed for Shooting Off His Testicles

A British man who accidentally shot himself in the testicles after drinking 15 pints of beer was jailed for five years on Tuesday for possessing an illegal firearm, a court spokesman said.

But as he walked back to the pub, the gun went off, blasting pellets into his testicles. Doctors later removed what remained of his testicles during emergency surgery.

reuters ap

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Odor May Be Clue to Missing Airport Fish

A strong odor led airline officials to what they believe is the 40 pounds of halibut a traveler reported missing from his checked bags two weeks ago.

Brenee Davis, a general manager for Continental Airlines in Anchorage, said the company's baggage handlers discovered "a ton of rotting fish" under a luggage conveyor belt recently at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport.

ap cbs11tv usatoday

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Colombian airport police find $47,500 cash inside passenger's stomach

A suspect swallowed nearly $50,000 in cash in a failed attempt to smuggle the funds out of Colombia, officials said Monday.

Bogota airport police said they X-rayed the suspect because he was acting nervous while preparing to board a flight for Lima, Peru. The X-ray showed dozens of latex-wrapped packets inside his stomach and police assumed it was drugs, since such a smuggling technique is used by traffickers.

cnews.canoe.ca ap

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Bus Driver Worried By Kids In KKK Robes At Bus Stop

Authorities in Ocala are investigating a complaint by a black school bus driver, who says children have showed up at one of her stops dressed in Ku Klux Klan outfits.


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