National pub ban for Wakefield man

A man has been banned from every pub, club and off-licence in the country after allegedly stealing a bottle of wine and a packet of pork pies.

The ban was imposed on Philip Reville, 55, of Thornes Road, Wakefield as part of bail conditions issued by Wakefield magistrates.

He was arrested on Sunday after allegedly stealing wine and pork pies worth just under £5 from a shop in Wakefield.

¬> BBc

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Crazy dutch guys kill speed cameras with explosives, expanding foam etc

De toenemende controlegekte in Nederland leidt steeds vaker tot grote irritatie en frustratie onder de voorheen zo brave, volgzame en grif betalende automobilisten. Dagelijks krijgen wij mail van mensen die zo ongeveer uit hun vel springen omdat ze voor de zoveelste keer voor een pietluttige overschrijding van de maximum snelheid grof geld moeten afstaan. Maar sommigen laten het niet bij vloeken en schelden. Ik hoor vaak van controleurs dat ze zich bedreigd voelen en steeds vaker worden de zo gehate flitspalen met grof geweld buitenspel gezet. De meeste worden gekroond met een autoband, die vervolgens in brand wordt gestoken. Andere krijgen een lading hagel om de oren of worden met een tractor in 'pose Pisa' geplaatst. En dat is niet leuk voor het graaiduo Zalm-Netelenbos. Een (geladen) radarpaal kost z'n ƒ 180.000,= en dat gaat ten koste van die poet van 570 miljoen die ze jaarlijks uit onze zakken roven.

¬> pictures

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Fake CNN Website Taken Offline

A website that published fake news stories from CNN has been taken offline after receiving a threatening legal letter from the cable network alleging copyright and trademark infringement.

The Fake CNN News Generator was online only a week, but generated a lot of controversy after ersatz news stories were picked up by local outlets and reported as real.

¬> Wired

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Wurst-Case Scenario Causes Police Alert

A man who mistook a salami for an automatic pistol triggered a major police operation on Friday in southern Germany, involving 10 police cars and a helicopter.

The man alerted police that he had seen three men handling a gun in a car at a motorway service area. Police cars, dogs and a helicopter chased the car and held up the men, only to identify the "weapon" as a salami.

¬> exite

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Safety chiefs target German craze for 'bazooka' spud guns

GERMAN youths have taken up a dangerous new pastime: firing potatoes as fast as a rocket from “bazookas” made from drainage pipes.

One man almost lost an eye, a woman had her leg broken and one teenager was badly burnt when the hairspray used as the propellant exploded in his face as he prepared to fire.

¬> Times Online

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Police can't find stolen elephant

Animal Rights activists are baffling police in Germany after going on the run with a circus elephant.

A national hunt was launched earlier this week following Kenia's abduction from Karl-Heinz Koellner's Harlekin circus.

¬> Ananova

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Dutchman Sold Pieces of the Moon

For years, Rene Veenema says he made a small fortune selling real estate plots on the moon. Now he's in jail, on Earth.

Veenema, 33, has been accused of fraud and forgery by prosecutors investigating complaints from clients who said they paid for, but never received, ownership certificates for their parcels of land in space, the daily Telegraaf newspaper reported Tuesday.

¬> AP

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State Wants to Fix Its Highway to Hell

Hey Satan, the governor of New Mexico has a message for you: Get off the road.

Gov. Bill Richardson said last week he wants to renovate one of the most dangerous roads in the state, which is known by locals as the "Devil's Highway," "Satan's Highway" and "Highway to Hell."

Richardson wants to change the number of the route officially known as Highway 666 because of the association of the triple sixes with Satan.

¬> Reuters ¬> CNN ¬> modbee

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Man shot to death while beating dog

A man trying to beat his dog to death with a gun was fatally wounded when it apparently went off accidentally, police said.

Raymond Poore Jr., 43, called his wife at work Thursday and told her that their dog had bitten him and he intended to kill the animal, police Capt. David Sobonya said.

¬> azcentral

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Gang tortures boys with wasabi, chili peppers

A gang of 10 Tokyo youths has been busted for brutally torturing members of a rival group -- with wasabi, mustard and other hot sauces, police said Thursday.

The arrested 18-year-old high school student and fellow members of his biker gang group reportedly tried to squeeze money from seven youths they ambushed on the street of Tokyo's Koto-ku last year.

¬> Mainichi

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Bitter Swede burns family cash

A Swedish man, desolate after his wife filed for divorce, has taken revenge by converting the family's shares and mutual funds into cash and burning the money -- over 50,000 pounds in banknotes.

¬> Reuters

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4-Year-Old Allegedly Beaten For Drinking From Toilet

A 4-year-old Trumbull County boy allegedly misbehaves, and police said his caretaker delivered the ultimate punishment -- death. Logan Guyton died Monday at MetroHealth Medical Center from head injuries. The beating was so severe that authorities said they have never seen anything like it, NewsChannel5 reported.

¬> msnbc

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