The Most Hated Man in Bodybuilding

But who is it that the professional bodybuilders call a freak? Who is the freak's freak? Answer: Greg Valentino. If you don't know Mr. Valentino, check out the pics below (and no, there's no Photoshopping involved)

¬> Testosterone

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IRS hands homeless man tax bill for nearly $6 million

In his second-hand clothes from the Salvation Army and his bed at the Union Gospel Mission, John Ramer is not the picture of prosperity.

But never mind, the IRS has handed the homeless Salem man a tax bill for just under $6 million.

During a visit to a local IRS office, Ramer was taken aside and asked whether he had done any day trading.

Good thing Ramer also has a sense of humor: "I feel like holding up a sign: 'Will work for new portfolio."' The 30-year-old Ramer said.

¬> Oregon live

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Croatian PM condemns Nazi salutes at handball

The Croatian prime minister on Thursday condemned parts of the crowd and the singer at a public welcome-home party honoring Croatia's newly crowned handball world champions for doing Nazi salutes.

About 50,000 people gathered Monday in Zagreb's main square to welcome the team home. Folk singer Marko Perkovic Thompson, who performed at the party, shouted a slogan used by Croatia's Nazi forces during the World War II. Dozens of fans answered with Nazi salutes. Prime Minister Ivica Racan on Thursday said such behavior "cannot be tolerated in Croatia."

"Such scenes ... cast a shadow on the handball team's victory and besmear the face of Croatia," Racan said. "Croatia has long ago broke off with its Nazi past."

¬> Haaretz

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Man Caught With 50,000 Doses Of Fake LSD

A Southern California man caught with more than 50,000 doses of fake LSD will take a trip to jail.

A Humboldt County jury convicted William Felton Butler, 27, of selling a fake controlled substance. The felony conviction carries a maximum sentence of three years in prison. Butler actually faces more than 11 years in prison because he was also convicted of assault, robbery and kidnapping.

¬> NBC4

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Teen asks police officer for ride; arrested for pot, illegal knife

A Greer teen-ager carrying a switchblade and marijuana cigarettes was arrested early this morning after he asked a Greenville Police officer for a ride home, according to a police spokesman.

The 17-year-old boy asked an officer for a ride home shortly before 3 a.m., said Lt. Mike Gambrell. The officer told the boy he needed to pat him down first before he would be allowed in the patrol car, he said.

¬> greenvilleonline

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Crude wine choice leads to bust

Lee Harris walked into Le Central Bistro on Bush Street for lunch Wednesday wearing desert camouflage fatigues and carrying bulging duffel bags.

That's odd, the wait staff thought.

Then he ordered smoked salmon with a glass of red wine.

Mon dieu!

¬> SFGate

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Österreichs Innenminister will Verkauf von Meldedaten ankurbeln

In Österreich ist ein erneuter Streit über die kommerzielle Nutzung von Meldedaten entbrannt. Seit März 2002 können Unternehmen kostenpflichtig Abfragen an das Zentrale Melderegister (ZMR) richten, das sämtliche Meldedaten der Bewohner des Alpenlandes speichert. Um Daten abzufragen, müssen Unternehmen allerdings laut österreichischem Meldegesetz nachweisen, dass sie "regelmäßig Meldeauskünfte zur erwerbsmäßigen Geltendmachung oder Durchsetzung von Rechten oder Ansprüchen" benötigen.

¬> Heise

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Happy ending to mysterious sofa collision

The strange case of furniture salesman Arvid Loeite's traffic collision with a disappearing sofa on highway E18 near Grimstad has been solved. The sofa's owner read the story in newspaper Agderposten and has explained what happened. Loeite claimed that his car had been damaged when a sofa blew off a passing truck and smashed into his vehicle, causing major damage. Loeite and his passenger escaped without injury.

Loeite coincidentally met a police patrol after stopping his car and reported the incident.

"I told them that I had been hit with a sofa. Their faces fell and they didn't know what to think. But they came back to the scene of the accident," Loeite said.

¬> Aftenposten

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Net grief for online suicide

Condolences have been pouring into a website set up in tribute to a young man who died online.

Brandon Vedas, a 21-year-old computer expert from Arizona, USA, killed himself with a lethal dose of prescription drugs in January while chatting to online buddies.

In a macabre twist to the story, a transcript of his final hours found by his family a week after his death shows that his online friends egged him on to take more and more drugs.

¬> BBC

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N E V E R buy a car at U.S. Customs Service

Francisco Rivera knew the used Nissan Pathfinder he bought from the U.S. Customs Service had some dents on the fender and dings on the door, but he didn't spot the marijuana stashed in a false compartment in the vehicle's rear -- and neither did U.S. agents.

However, Mexican soldiers did -- and charged Rivera and his brother-in-law, Alfonso Calderon, with drug trafficking.

The Tijuana businessmen spent a year in prison after the routine check uncovered what U.S. Customs inspectors had missed -- 37 pounds (17 kg) of marijuana in a false compartment.

¬> Reuters

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2,000 chickens "scared to death" before Chinese New Year

Some 2,000 chickens on a southern China farm died from fright or were suffocated by other terrified birds when teenagers set off firecrackers for Chinese New Year.

A chicken farmer identified only as Mr. Zhou was having dinner with his family in the southern city of Guangzhou on Thursday, two days before the New Year, when he heard a loud burst of firecrackers, the Haixia Dushi newspaper said Sunday.

¬> AFP

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Caviar smuggler jailed

A Russian man has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for smuggling 98 pounds (44 kg) of caviar into the United States without the required permits, federal prosecutors say.

Mikhail Ivanovich Kovtun, 59, of Moscow, was arrested at Miami airport in August 2001 with two other passengers who had tins of sturgeon roe hidden in their suitcases. In November 2002, a federal court jury convicted him of violating the Endangered Species Act and lying on his customs declaration, which said he carried no food, wildlife products or commercial goods.

¬> Reuters

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