Japanese man gets on Edinburgh party bus instead of airport bus

A Japanese businessman has missed his flight from Edinburgh after getting on an all-night party bus instead of an airport shuttle.

Zenko Kajiyama, 32, from Tokyo, had been intending to catch an evening flight from Edinburgh to London Heathrow for a meeting the next day.

Mr Kajiyama was at Waverley station trying to find the airport bus stop when he saw people boarding a silver coach marked Club Class. The 45-seater bus was actually booked for a mobile birthday party.

¬> Ananova

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Wrong number leads to pot arrests

Police found more than 75 marijuana plants inside a house after a woman who lived there mistakenly called 911 instead of 411.

Police said the woman dialed 911 shortly after 11:20 a.m. Tuesday. When she hung up, a police dispatcher called the number right back, and someone hung up again, police Sgt. Dan Rose said.

Two officers went to the house and found 76 plants valued at $76,000 growing in a room with sophisticated lighting. Officers also found three handguns and other weapons inside the house.

¬> CNN

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Whisky aided Thatcher and ads G


¬> CNN

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British Gas sends out £2.3 trillion bill

Utility British Gas has admitted sending one of its customers a bill for £2,320,333,681,613.

Brian Law of Fartown, Huddersfield, received the bill last month as a final demand after failing to pay an earlier bill of £59.

¬> BBC

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The Ten Most Dishonorable Americans

Americans are a resilient lot. The attacks of September 11th showed, despite progressive urbanization and isolation, Americans pull together when under attack. Those of all political, economic, racial and religious backgrounds renewed their commitment to the United States and to their fellow countrymen - and their resolve to stand against their common enemies. However, even in this changed environment, some side with the enemy - while the enemy is killing American citizens. These ten people, presented in no particular order, deserve the title "the most dishonorable Americans."

¬> FrontPageMagazine

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Nigerian scammers
Brits sent 8.4 MILLION

IF IT seems like one of the most ridiculous scams in the history of criminal enterprise, that’s because it is.

But the phenomenon of the e-mail from Africa promising untold riches in return for your bank account details has got the UK’s elite crimefighters worried.

The National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) has decided to wage war on the artless fraudsters behind the con because scores of people every year are falling for it and the total losses are running into millions of pounds.

¬> Scotland on sunday

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Airport bans toy gun comic

Hundreds of copies of the children's comic, "The Dandy", have been withdrawn from shops at Birmingham Airport because a toy gun is being given away free with the latest edition.

The comic, which sells 250,000 copies a week and is published by D C Thompson & Co, has a bright blue and yellow plastic gun attached to its front cover.

¬> BBC

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Man drives flaming car into ex's house

The relationship between Ulysses Davis and his girlfriend went down in flames Thursday.

And he's the one who got burned.

Furious about being jilted, Novato police said, the 44-year-old Davis set his car on fire and drove the flaming vehicle into his estranged girlfriend's Novato home.

¬> SFGate

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Don`t call 911 and hang up ...

Despite a 911 call from his residence, an Oviedo-area man insisted he did not have an emergency. But he did have a big problem after deputy sheriffs arrived.

Authorities found 263 marijuana plants growing inside his home.

¬> call 911

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Surf's up -- on Lake Superior! In February!

Greg Isaacson once listened throughout winter nights for the sound of the surf -- "Like shotgun blasts" -- reaching Oahu's famous North Shore.

He is 30 years and 4,000 miles removed from the Hawaiian Islands. But when the weather is just right, when a northeasterly gale roars overnight toward a different North Shore and rattles the timbers of his house on Duluth's Skyline Parkway, he feels it. Come morning, he peers from his deck through binoculars down the city's hillsides and measures Lake Superior pouring onto Park Point.

¬> Startribune

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Police field complaint about busty snow woman

Crystal Lynn went for realism when she built her snow woman - celery for the eyes, a carrot for the nose and two blobs of snow for the breasts. The last turned out to be a no-no, as someone complained to Kent police about what he called an indecent snow figure. And a police officer showed up at her apartment door minutes after she completed her work.

"He said that I should cut off her breasts, but I said no woman wants that," Lynn, 35, said.

¬> Akron Beacon Journal

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Prison finds guard-dogs 'guilty'

AUTHORITIES at a prison in the northern Serbian town of Sombor sentenced to death and executed two guard dogs, blaming them for an escape of five inmates, Beta news agency reported.

The dogs of the famous Serbian breed Sarplaninac were "found guilty" as they failed to raise prison guards' attention by not barking during the getaway of five prisoners who had dug a hole in a wall and climbed down, the report said.

¬> news.com

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