Ouch! Dye Pack Explodes In Robbery Suspect's Pants

A bank robbery suspect learned a painful lesson: Never shove stolen money containing an explosive dye pack down your pants.

Shortly after the National City Bank downtown was robbed Thursday, police spotted John Gladney, 40, about a block away, walking strangely, in obvious pain.

¬> AP

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Teacher found in closet with crack pipe, jailed

A middle school teacher who was found in a school closet with a crack pipe was arrested on Thursday.

The Parkway Middle School teacher, 40-year-old Marc Slutsky, said ''he had made a terrible mistake'' when he was found at the school near Fort Lauderdale, according to a Broward Sheriff's Office arrest report.

¬> Miami Herald

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From the upcoming Spezial:
We are not stupid - we are americans
Shark Attack at Petting Zoo

It started like any another trip to the Florida Aquarium for Julie Menke and her 13-month-old daughter, Shannon.

Menke said she and her daughter had their hands in the water, hoping to pet a small approaching shark that a woman monitoring the tank said was friendly. That's when another passing shark whipped around and bit her hand, she said.


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French Wine Poured Into River

In a very civilized statement of protest, thousands of dollars of expensive French wine went down the drain Monday.

Folks with Ray's on the River and nearby Killer Creek Chop House Restaurant in Alpharetta, Ga., dumped all their stock of French wine, Champagne and liquor into the Chattahoochee River.


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Woman screaming about leg in clothes dryer has police thinking they have murder case

In Putnam County, a woman screaming about a leg in a clothes dryer had Kent Police thinking they had a murder case. Sgt. Ronald Yeager went to the 24-hour Self Service Laundromat in Lake Carmel at 6:30 Sunday morning and saw a human leg hanging out of the large commercial dryer, just where the woman said it was.

But when Yeager opened the door and looked inside the dryer, he found Kevin Johnston, of Lake Carmel, sleeping inside.

¬> AP

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Recycler Traded Cans for Booze?

A Los Angeles recycler that catered to homeless alcoholics by exchanging the bottles and cans they dug out of people's trash for coupons for a nearby liquor store has been shut down as a nuisance, city officials said.

¬> Reuters

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Home-grown cannabis outstrips imports from Morocco

The majority of cannabis now consumed in England and Wales has not been smuggled in but is actually grown here, according to a study to be published next month.

The research for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation reveals that there has been a sharp rise in recent years in domestic cultivation, particularly in home-grown cannabis for personal use.

¬> Guardian

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Drug Mule ODs On 65 Balloons

Police were investigating Saturday the death of a Washington Heights woman they said overdosed from 65 drug-filled balloons in her stomach.

Ordalina Mosque, 55, of West 162nd Street, who died Wednesday after being rushed to Columbia Presbyterian Center, had traveled twice recently to her native Dominican Republican under mysterious circumstances, her daughter and son said Saturday.

¬> Newsday

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Deadline passes without anybody claiming $52-million U.S. jackpot

Nearly $52 million has apparently slipped away from whoever bought a winning ticket in the multistate Powerball lottery, which had never seen a jackpot go unclaimed.

The Hoosier Lottery's offices closed Thursday - the last day to claim the jackpot - without anyone showing up with $51.7-million ticket from the Sept. 14 drawing, lottery spokesman Andrew Reed said. The ticket could still be redeemed if it was turned in by midnight or mailed with a Thursday postmark but Reed said lottery officials suspect the ticket bought at a convenience store was lost.

¬> CanWest Interactive

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Boy Sparks Inferno with Paper Airplane

A 12-year-old boy accidentally burned down a poolhouse and a summer pavilion with a flaming paper airplane, causing more than $40,000 in damage, police in southern Germany said on Thursday.

The airplane ignited a hedge next to the swimming pool building and summer house in the Bavarian town of Oberasbach on Tuesday.

By the time the fire services put out the blaze, both buildings were gutted and two garages slightly charred.

"The boy wasn't looking to start a fire," said police spokesman Dieter Eilert. "He just wanted to light his plane."

¬> Reuters

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Wiener hielt Ziegen in der Wohnung

Insgesamt 40 Tiere, darunter Ziegen, Schafe und Enten, hat die Wiener Tierrettung aus der Wohnung eines Mannes in Favoriten geborgen. Dem Wohnungsbesitzer waren bereits vor zwei Jahren 47 Tiere wegen "tierquälerischer Haltungsbedingungen" abgenommen worden. Seither besteht für den Mann ein behördlich verhängtes Tierhalteverbot.

¬> Orf

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Bored German faked attacks to skip work

A German man has admitted faking a series of attacks on himself because he did not want to go to work.

Walter Hoffmann, 23, from Erfurt, tied himself up, slashed the tyres of his car and staged a variety of other incidents.

¬> Orange

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