Ex-N.Y. Officer Admits to Strip Stops

A former police officer pleaded guilty Tuesday to charges that he forced four women to strip after he pulled them over for traffic violations. Prosecutors said Frank Wright, 36, forced one woman to walk home wearing only her underwear. He pleaded guilty to civil rights violations carrying up to five years and three months in prison.

¬> AP

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Don´t eat the wrong fish

Foolish fisherman feasts on fugu for fatal last supper Fugu, or pufferfish, have long been a tasty treat for the Japanese palate, but the highly toxic nature of the spiked fish capable of expanding its lungs to grow to several times its normal size to scare off threatening enemies proves it's hardly full of hot air. And the fearsome fugu has struck again.

"It seems this gentleman had made a habit of preparing fugu and ate it without ever worrying about being poisoned."

¬> Mainichi

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A state-funded erection

A German pensioner has won a court case to get the government to pay for his Viagra tablets. The former civil servant has diabetes and suffers erectile dysfunction which affects 98% of male diabetics. But while retired civil servants usually get state aid for their health needs, the authorities refused to pay for the drug, although it had been prescribed by the man's GP. In his court case, the man referred to World Health Organisation standards which list sexual activity as a basic need and right.

¬> news24

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Texas Man Accused of Chaining Wife

A man was arrested after his wife was found with a 25-foot chain similar to those used for dogs padlocked around her neck, police said. Police said the witness asked Thomason about the chain, and he jerked it and said that he used it so that his wife couldn't run off.

¬> abcnews ¬> HoustonChronicle HoustonChronicle

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Saddam underdog hero in Indonesia

Saddam Hussein has gained a place on the streets of Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population.

The Iraqi leader has become somewhat of an underdog hero for many Muslims around the world. Even struggling artists are making a living selling his picture.

"As a humanist, I support Saddam. Just like many oppressed people support Saddam. The point is President Bush completely underestimated him," says Djidjit Kadito, an artist.

¬> CNN

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Man Gets $12,000 Electric Bill

Nebraska Man Gets $12,000 Electric Bill; It Should Have Been $26. For 33 days of service, he was charged $12,344.16. "It was April Fool's Day, and I thought someone was playing a joke on me," said Carroll, who lives in a small, two-bedroom house. It turned out it was a real bill. But the amount was wrong.

¬> Reuters

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Zeitreisender aus dem Jahr 2256 festgenommen!

Mit einem Anfangsbudget von 800 Dollar begann der Mann seinen unerhörten Triumphzug an der Wall Street, nach zwei Wochen war sein Aktienportfolio mehr als 350 Millionen wert.

Die US-amerikanische Securities and Exchange Commission witterte "Insider Trading" und ließ Carlssin verhaften.

¬> Telepolis ¬> english story

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Website Hoax on Killer Virus Triggers Hong Kong Panic

A teenager's Web Site hoax about the killer virus sweeping Hong Kong sparked panic food buying and hit financial markets on Tuesday, and the government said it was placing more than 200 people into isolation camps.

¬> Reuters

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Federal investigators have arrested an enigmatic Wall Street wiz on insider-trading charges -- and incredibly, he claims to be a time-traveler from the year 2256!

Sources at the Security and Exchange Commission confirm that 44-year-old Andrew Carlssin offered the bizarre explanation for his uncanny success in the stock market after being led off in handcuffs on January 28.

"We don't believe this guy's story -- he's either a lunatic or a pathological liar," says an SEC insider.

"But the fact is, with an initial investment of only $800, in two weeks' time he had a portfolio valued at over $350 million. Every trade he made capitalized on unexpected business developments, which simply can't be pure luck.

¬> Weekly World

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382 Rifles stolen from parking lot

Police were requesting the public's help Friday after 382 hunting rifles were stolen earlier this week from a truck's trailer in a parking lot.

The theft of the Winchester and Browning rifles happened early on Tuesday, police said.

¬> Canoe

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10-year-old charged in brutal slaying of toddler

A 10-year-old boy was charged with murder Thursday for allegedly luring a 3-year-old boy out of a library, beating him with a baseball bat, sexually assaulting him and dumping him in a ditch.

The charges were filed a day after Amir Beeks was attacked and hours after he died. The 10-year-old, who was not identified by authorities, was charged with murder, felony murder, kidnapping, illegal weapons possession and aggravated sexual assault.

¬> sacbee

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"Bomb" at Manila airport is grenade-shaped lighter

Philippine airport officials say a suspected bomb found in a mail bag turned out to be a lighter shaped like a grenade.

¬> Reuters

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