FBI to Reporters: Turn Over Notes, E-Mails, Sources

Citing a provision of the Patriot Act, the FBI is sending letters to journalists telling them to secretly prepare to turn over their notes, e-mails and sources to the bureau. Should we throw out the First Amendment to nail a hacker?

¬> securityfocus

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How do you catch a man that steals a $729,000 Ferrari?

Where do you hide a $729,000 Ferrari?

That's what police in the Philadelphia suburbs want to know, after a con man drove off with a red Ferrari F-50 during a test drive.

¬> nbc

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Arab 'tried to open jet door at 30,000ft'

An Arab who allegedly tried to open the door of an Airbus A321 carrying 105 passengers and crew as it flew at 30,000ft over the North Sea has been charged with endangering an aircraft.

Brahim Sbaoui, 33, was held by cabin crew after the pilot alerted them to alleged tampering with a rear door.

Sbaoui was a passenger on the Airbus on a flight from Heathrow to Norway. Fearing for the safety of his passengers the Scandinavian Airlines captain immediately diverted back to Heathrow for an emergency landing.

¬> Telegraph

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Tommy Chong gets the joint

Thirty years ago, Cheech and Chong did a skit in which an unctuous lawyer and his dope-addled client comically plead for leniency but end up proving the defendant is guilty.

Did this memory flash back upon Tommy Chong last week as he stood before a federal judge for selling bongs?

"The whole time," Chong said.

Then, he stepped off the elevator at the federal courthouse and assumed his newest role: street mime. Chong answered every reporter's question by pretending to zipper his mouth shut. Chong didn't even dare autograph a copy of "Up in Smoke" for a fan who awaited him on Grant Street. Best not to further provoke the authorities.

¬> Post Gazette

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Phone battery in oven explodes

FIRE authorities said today a Perth man was lucky to escape unharmed after his explosive attempt to recharge his mobile phone battery - in a microwave oven.

Firefighters were called to the man's home in suburban Scarborough last night after the battery exploded inside the oven, causing smoke to pour out of the appliance.

¬> The Mercury

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Neustart der US-Atomwaffen-Produktion

Erstmals seit 14 Jahren, so meldete das Los Alamos National Laboratory pünktlich zum 60-jährigen Jubiläum der Gründung, habe man wieder begonnen, Plutonium-Pits herzustellen. Das sind Hohlkugeln aus Plutonium, die sich im Zentrum der nuklearen Sprengköpfe befinden. Durch die Explosion eines normalen Sprengstoffs, der sich um diese Hohlkugel befindet, wird der Kern durch die Implosion komprimiert und damit die Kettenreaktion ausgelöst, die dann in einer Millionstel Sekunde eine gewaltige Menge an Kernenergie freisetzt.

¬> Heise

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Wife-subduing air raid siren confiscated

A 73-year-old man who used an air raid siren to stun his wife into submission has had it confiscated by German police.

"My wife never lets me get a word in edgeways," the man identified as Vladimir R. told Mannheim police. "So I crank up the siren and let it rip for a few minutes. It works every time. Afterwards, it's real quiet again."

¬> Reuters

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Advice for Satanic Web Page Design

To be taken seriously, the True Satanist must have a well designed web site. The aim of this page to assist you in creating the perfect design.

The preferred color scheme is black background and red text. Immediately, this identifies a Satanic site. A legitimate, if frequently overlooked alternative is the one used here - 222 gray, and of course the red text. The perfect symbolism of 222 gray made up of 222 Red, 222 Blue, and 222 Green cannot be overlooked. However the message conveyed by the sum of the three components may be too subtle for some.

¬> Dumbass

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Soldaten gefesselt und beraubt

Bei einem Grenzüberwachungsposten in der Nähe von Andau sind in der Nacht auf Montag zwei steirische Assistenzsoldaten überfallen worden. Die 19-jährigen Rekruten wurden gefesselt. Die beiden Täter haben die Sturmgewehre und Nachtsichtgeräte gestohlen.

¬> ORF

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Nokia accused of rabbit torture

A LITHUANIAN animal rights group has accused Nokia and the second biggest local mobile telephone company Bite GSM of torturing rabbits in adverts for new mobile phones.

The Lithuanian Society for the Protection of Animals said in an open letter to both companies it is "offended by the Nokia and Bite GSM companies' print and TV media advertisements in which rabbits are lifted by their ears".

¬> News Limited

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Knife-Thrower Hits Assistant – on Live TV

Viewers watched in horror today as a knife-throwing stunt went wrong on live TV.

Circus performer Jayde Hanson – who set a world knife-throwing record only days ago – left his assistant with a gashed scalp after a blade hit her.

Stunned This Morning presenter Fern Britton rushed over to check the shaken woman and screeched: “Oh my God, there’s blood.”

¬> Scotsman

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«Superhacker» verdient Geld im Schlaf

«Kimble» ist wieder da. Inzwischen wegen Insiderhandels vorbestraft, hat Kim Schmitz nun ein neues Projekt: Ein IT-System soll an der Börse Geld verdienen - automatisch. Ein paar Monate war es ruhig um ihn, nun ist er zurück: Kim Schmitz, genannt «Kimble», der selbst ernannte «Superhacker». Jetzt hat der Jungunternehmer, der wegen Insiderhandels mit Aktien der gescheiterten Dot-Com-Firma Letsbuyit vorbestraft ist, eine neue Website ins Netz gestellt.

¬> Netzeitung ¬> Trendax

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