Florida student suspended for safer-sex costume

Osceola High School administrators thought a student's Halloween costume was more trick than treat. So they suspended her.

Lanessa Riobe, 16, was told to go home Friday after wearing a T-shirt decorated with condoms. Lanessa said she decided on the costume after seeing safe-sex commercials on television.

¬> cnn ¬> wftv

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Teen reports shots at home; cops respond, nab 4-ton pot

More than 500 pounds of marijuana were seized by deputies Thursday in the garage of an East Side home after a resident there was shot at, the Pima County Sheriff's Department said.

Deputies found the pot after serving a search warrant in the 3700 block of South Hunters Run near Saguaro National Park east, said Deputy Dawn Barkman, a Sheriff's Department spokeswoman.

¬> tucsoncitizen

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Mann bei simulierter Bergung abgestürzt

Die Leistungsschau des Bundesheeres in Graz wurde von einem schweren Unfall überschattet. Ein Soldat, der eine Hubschrauber-Seilbergung simulieren sollte, ist aus einer Höhe von etwa zehn Metern abgestürzt.

¬> orf

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Butt Hole Road

A British couple have been forced to move house because of the shame caused by the name of their street -- Butt Hole Road. Paul and Lisa Allott sold their $250,000 bungalow in Conisbrough, northern England after living there for just 15 months, fed up with the constant leg-pulling.

¬> reuters

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Datenkraken-Oscars: Gebühren für Big Brother

Gibt es ein reziprokes Verhältnis von Datensparsamkeit und sparsamer Amtsführung? Wieso haben die größten Datensammler dieser Republik kein Geld für eine Fahrt nach Bielefeld? Mit dieser kniffligen Frage musste sich das Publikum beschäftigen, das sich zur 4. Verleihung der deutschen Big Brother Awards in der Ravensberger Spinnerei zu Bielefeld eingefunden hatte.

¬> heise

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Monopoly to sue over hip-hop game

The makers of board game Monopoly are to take legal action against spoof version Ghettopoly, which satirises hip-hop culture.

The game - based on the traditional family board game - became an instant hit when it went on sale in the US and Europe earlier this year.

¬> bbc

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Swede jailed in Australia over trouser snake smuggle attempt

A Swedish man was jailed in Australia for trying to smuggle eight dangerous snakes, including four deadly king cobras, through Sydney Airport strapped to his legs.

¬> afp

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SCI FI Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents

The truth is out there, and the SCI FI Channel is determined to find it, even if that means suing NASA, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Army and Air Force for documents related to unidentified flying objects.

¬> wfae ¬> cnn ¬> washingtonpost

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Taiwanese lawyer steals $100M from SanDisk

A Taiwanese lawyer has stolen approximately $100 million from memory-card maker SanDisk Corp., the company said on Wednesday. A senior associate at a Taiwanese law firm, Lee and Li Attorneys-at-Law, used a power of attorney to sell around 121 million shares of stock in Taiwanese contract chip maker United Microelectronics Corp. (UMC) owned by SanDisk, the statement said. SanDisk was advised of the theft by the law firm.

¬> infoworld

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Benzin in Waschmaschine gekippt - gewaltige Explosion

Mit der Explosion seiner Waschmaschine hat ein Mann in Moskau die unkonventionelle Reinigung seiner mit Farbe verschmutzten Hose bezahlt. Vor dem Waschgang kippte der Moskauer einen Liter Benzin in die Spülkammer, wie die Polizei heute in der russischen Hauptstadt mitteilte.

¬> orf

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Two men killed over missing bong

A young man allegedly shot and killed two others at a house in Mead early Saturday. Brandon W. Martin, who turns 19 Wednesday, was booked into the Spokane County Jail on two counts of first-degree murder. Martin had been hanging out at the house at 11600 N. Sheridan and at one point became angry, reportedly accusing those there of stealing a glass drug pipe from his car, a witness said.

Martin left, got a rifle and came back shooting, Sheriff's spokesman Cpl. Dave Wiyrick said.

¬> spokesmanreview

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Lawyer allegedly dropped drugs during court appearance

Stanley Duane Wilkinson, 53, has been charged with possession of a controlled substance after a bailiff said he saw a small plastic bag containing what turned out to be cocaine residue fall from the lawyer's jacket pocket, the Houston Chronicle reported in Tuesday's editions.

¬> abc

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