Faulty Bomb Means Dutch Targeting Error Hurts None

A Dutch jet fighter accidentally dropped a bomb near military observers during a NATO exercise in Norway, but a luckier second error meant it did not explode, Norway's armed forces said Friday.

¬> reuters

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Fla. Woman Crashes Into DMV Building

A 69-year-old woman crashed her car into the Department of Motor Vehicles building where she intended to renew her driver's license. Denise G. Butterfield said she was pulling into a handicapped parking space when her car suddenly jumped the curb and smacked into the front of the building Thursday.

¬> ap

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1,903 piercings

The Brazilian woman with the most body piercings in the world -- 1,903 -- fears returning to her crime-ridden home country as she would attract so much attention she could be robbed.

¬> Reuters

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Pram turns up $39,000, baby and hashish

German police have arrested a suspected drug dealer after he was caught pushing a pram stuffed with 34,000 euros (23,400 pounds), a one-year-old baby and keys to a car containing 42 kg (92 lb) of hashish, authorities say.

¬> Reuters

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Kim Schmitz wieder vor Gericht

Von Zeit zu Zeit holt die selbst ernannte Computer-Legende, den Anti-Terror-Kämpfer und Lebemann, Kim Schmitz, die Vergangenheit ein. Dann muss er Teile daraus vor Gericht erläutern. Nach einer Meldung des Manager-Magazins hat sich Schmitz, der sich "Kimble" oder auch mal "King Kimble" nennt, jetzt wegen Veruntreuung vor dem Münchener Amtsgericht zu verantworten.

¬> heise

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Courtney Love beats Bill Clinton for worst lie of our lifetime - "I do not take narcotics"

Despite her arrest last month for being under the influence of a controlled substance and her subsequent hospitalization for an accidental painkiller overdose, the former Queen of Grunge insists she doesn't have a problem.

"I want to make one thing clear right now. I do not take narcotics." Love told Us Weekly for its November 17 issue.

¬> yahoo

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Who falls for e-mail scams?

It certainly looked like the real thing. Full of eBay logos and links, the e-mail said their accounts were expiring, and they’d better fill out a form quickly or risk losing their current auctions. So they did — typing in everything from drivers license numbers to credit card PINs. Since then, thieves have attempted to steal their money and their private information has been posted on the Internet for all the world to see. The lapse in judgment was momentary, but the consequences continue to unfold.

¬> msnbc

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Teen Joyrider Nabbed Driving Train

German transport authorities said Wednesday they needed to tighten internal security after a teen-ager previously convicted of joyriding with public transport managed to gain control of a Berlin train full of passengers.

¬> reuters

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A New Zealander supping a beer in Hong Kong woke with a nasty hangover after finding out it had cost him more than £1,500.

¬> sky

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Man dies in Eminem T-shirt row

A Turkish man was stabbed to death after hawking T-shirts depicting U.S. rap superstar Eminem because a man mistook the sales pitch as an insult to his mother, Turkish newspapers said on Tuesday.

¬> cnn

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Toys 'R' Us Ad Riles Anti-Drug Groups

A Toys ``R'' Us television commercial that featured the company's mascot, Geoffrey the Giraffe, inhaling helium from a balloon has drawn the ire of anti-drug advocates who say the ad sends a dangerous message to children.

¬> guardian

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Trickbetrüger rauben Passworte

Der Köder kommt per E-Mail: Die offiziell anmutende Botschaft fordert Kunden dazu auf, dringend die Website eines Unternehmens zu besuchen, bei dem man Kunde ist. Dort darf man sich dann wie gewohnt einloggen - nur, dass sich hinter der Log-in-Seite manchmal eben nicht das Unternehmen des Vertrauens verbirgt.

¬> spiegel

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