Sunday, 25. April 2004

Please Remove This Feed
Google News RSS Feeds No More

Sorry folks, but I'm pulling the plug. Two reasons:

It was taking more and more bandwidth to offer these feeds. Before I took it down, I was getting roughly 3 hits per second. That's 10800 per hour, 259,200 per day, 94,608,000 per year... you get the idea. In more realistic numbers, each hit was about 10KiB (thanks to the fact that nearly NO RSS aggregators request inline gzip compression); that comes out to about 75GiB transfer per month. I started providing these feeds so there could be news headlines on the intranet of my former employer. I made the service (and the source) public with the intention of other people downloading the source and doing the same as me. But instead, everybody list pointed their aggregators to my site instead. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad or blaming anyone. I'm just saying I can't support this level anymore. <P></P><CENTER>


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