Topic: move to Italy NOW - on February 1, 2004 at 1:08:00 AM CET
Scholarly Shit Happens
By: Veronica Biancalana I sent the "Shit Happens in Various Religions" to my friend Louis Farakhan, who happens to have a PhD in Religious Studies. A week later he sent me his revised version, which is pretty serious, but also pretty funny. So take it over playaz….. TAOISM: Shit Happens, so flow with it. CONFUCIANISM: Confucius says, "If shit has to happen, let it happen properly. BUDDHISM: If shit happens, it isn't really happening to anyone. HINDUISM: This shit happening is you. PROTESTANTISM: If shit happens, praise the Lord for it! JUDAISM: Why does shit always happen just before closing the deal? ISLAM: Shit happening is Allah's Will. EXISTENTIALISM: Shit happening is absurd! ZEN: What is the sound of shit happening?
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A modern proverb intended to get people to persevere in the face of adversity. Commonly found on bumper stickers and cheap t-shirts. ¬> Wiki
in computer terms
Shit happens...
* Windows95 / 98 - Shit happens
* Commercial Unix - Shit happens over RPC.
* Linux - When shit happens, you fix it.
* FreeBSD - Shit would happen, but there's no driver for it yet.
* NT - Shit wouldn't happen if you'd just spend a few months performing 300+modifications to our default installation, you lazy sysadmin. Get your MCSE.
* Windows 2000 (NT5) - Shit happens over DCOM.
-- DilDog von Cult of the Dead Cow
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Shit happens because you are bad.
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