Tuesday, 4. November 2003

'The Future of Opera -- This Is It!'
Olga Neuwirth's Lost Highway Pulls Into Graz

In August 2002, Neuwirth was given an e-mail address to contact Lynch, and she wrote, asking for the rights to adapt Lost Highway's screenplay. She was startled when both Lynch and Gifford granted permission with virtually no strings attached: they asked merely to be invited to the premiere. (Gifford will attend; Lynch's phobia over flying grounds him in Los Angeles.) "It's amazing that they just gave up the rights," said the composer, "It seems so Kafkaesque." The complete script, including long portions which were never shot and included in the film, was gathered from Lynch's garage and sent to Neuwirth and Jelinek. They fashioned the libretto using large sections of the screenplay verbatim. "We had to cut the word 'fuck' a lot, because it's very hard to sing," laughed Neuwirth.

¬> andante

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