Topic: DRUGS - on September 18, 2003 at 12:08:01 PM CEST
E-fer madness
In a bizarre turn of events, the results of the most widely publicized study on the effects of Ecstasy on the brain were recently retracted. Published in the journal Science in September 2002, the study found that Ecstasy dramatically damaged monkey brain cells and was even deadly in some instances. At the time the study was released, former National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA) director Alan Leshner called taking Ecstasy "playing Russian roulette with your brain." But critics scratched their heads, wondering how 40 percent of the test animals could die when so few humans actually OD on MDMA. Almost a year later, an investigation conducted by the study's own researchers has revealed that the monkeys were given speed, not the popular club drug.
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