Topic: W A R - on March 27, 2003 at 12:03:24 PM CET
Guide: "Surviving War in Iraq"
The Basics of War Survival
Before I get into the specifics of surviving this particular war I would like to cover a few of the basics of survival that apply to any war, whether it's being fought in the Mid-East against Iraq or on the moon against the legions of zombie cosmonauts. The first thing you need to remember is that words can hurt, but bullets can hurt a whole lot more and even kill you sometimes if they hit you in the right parts. When you go into a war zone many of the enemy soldiers will attempt to shoot bullets either directly at you or in your general direction. If they are shooting them directly at you then you should immediately dive into a trench, inside a tank, behind a lamp post, or under a bed. If they are just shooting them in your general direction then you don't need to worry, just climb out of the trench and yell "charge" or "get 'em boys". Nothing bad will happen to you.

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