Thursday, 9. January 2003

Xbox Challenge - Yeah, We're back and back strong!

Stay tuned, we will have a new separate client ready for continuing the Xbox Challenge. With the recent media frenzy we stopped the project to research the legal aspect before preceding any further, it seemed ok until we started receiving 75,000 unique hits per day. IRC Channel Open for Neo!

#theneoproject on EFNET

The Squares of RSA-576

For informative purposes (and because its really cool) I thought I would show you the Squares that make up RSA-576. We figured these out on Saturday.

n = 1881988129206079638386972394616504398071635633794173
011303396716 199692321205734031879550656996221305168759307650257059

n = a^2 + b^2 + c^2

a = 398017045382089878415265626948620390590002479658724153

b = 1725724326360365415307337925664645215926710369527337257466

c = 11

¬> The neo project

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