Wednesday, 3. August 2016

An Easy Extraction: The Top 100 Albums Of 2016 So Far

To me, musically at least, the year doesn't really kick off until the moment our mid-year chart is published. Then it finally feels like I can breathe out. That things are rolling at last. Editing a music website is like constantly being in that weird fugue state that comes over most people in record shops. "Man... I know I actually like music but made by which groups, singers and producers? I know once I get home I'll be able to think of 38 LPs and a whole bunch of EPs I really want but right now I can't call to mind a single thing I'm into." So you walk out of the shop with yet another copy of Station To Station by David Bowie. Just in case something happens to the other seven copies you own. Speaking as someone who runs a music magazine, this temporary sonic amnesia can be overwhelming. I constantly seem to be at a music festival saying: "Errrrrrr... Nope. Can't think of a single thing..." to the eminently reasonable question: "Have you heard any good music recently?"

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