Tuesday, 7. June 2016

Jacob Appelbaum

Jacob Appelbaum leaves the Tor Project

This is what I could gather:

25.5. - Shepard posts bfb9a7c833a5fc8f5a938d816b1bbc4acaa06519fdb1af4c8632719596807dac on Twitter

2.6. - Tor project extremely briefly announces that Applebaum leaves Tor

3.6. - Shepard reveals the hash was sha256("It seems one rapist is one rapist too many\n")

3.6. - Meredith L. Patterson says Applebaum raped enough people that Tor org could no longer ignore it


Confirmed: Jacob Appelbaum left Tor amid sexual harassment complaints

Those who have worked with Jake won't be surprised at all by this. These are accusations coming from multiple people in the tech/privacy/infosec crowd, not from the government.

For those thinking these are government-sponsored lies, do you think Meredith Patterson of Status 451 Blog is working with the government?


blog.torproject.org/blog/jacob-appelbaum-leaves-tor-project … is a gross disservice to the Tor community. People deserve to know why Tor evicted its resident sociopath.


Tor had the chance to nip this in the bud back when Jake was just a plagiarist. They ignored it, and he graduated to sexual assault.


.@mmeijeri Jake finally raped enough people that Tor as an organisation couldn't ignore it anymore.


Jacob Appelbaum on Twitter: "Berlin, June 6, 2016 In the past few days, a calculated and targeted attack has been launched to spread (cont) t.co"


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