Friday, 13. January 2012

Top 10 Lesser-Known Friday 13th Events

Happy Friday the 13th, the first one of 2012. The year 2012 is one of the rare years in which there are three Friday the 13ths – January, April, and July. That combination of a year where Friday the 13th happens three times in January, April, and July only happens on leap years, and has only happened seven times since 1860, and not since 1984. The other three-month combination in which Friday the 13th can happen in three different months is February, March, and November of a given year (non-leap years). Friday the 13th cannot happen more than three times in a Gregorian calendar year. In a 400 year Gregorian calendar cycle, the odds of the 13th falling on a Friday is slightly more likely than any other day of the week (it will happen 688 times in those 400 years, slightly more frequent than Sundays or Wednesdays).

Friday the 13th of any month, of course, is considered to be unlucky but it is just another ordinary day. Some years, not much happens on a month that has a Friday the 13th. Other years, history is made, for better or worse.

Hollywood Sign is Built Friday July 13, 1923

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