Thursday, 3. November 2011

Not enough evidence to link DuQu to Stuxnet: New Duqu Trojan analysis questions Stuxnet connection

New analysis of the Duqu Trojan has concluded there is not enough evidence to link it to Stuxnet, and calls early analysis that claimed Duqu was a new version of the worm pure speculation.

The facts observed through software analysis are inconclusive at publication time in terms of proving a direct relationship between Duqu and Stuxnet at any other level.

Dell SecureWorks CTU

The Duqu Trojan report, issued by the Dell SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit, said Duqu raised eyebrows recently for containing code that shares striking similarities as the Stuxnet worm , but ultimately the new Trojan was designed for a completely different purpose. The payloads of Duqu and Stuxnet are significantly different and unrelated, the Dell SecureWorks researchers said.

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