Friday, 4. March 2011

"Interpol issued "RED notice" for (Julian) Assange...but issues lower "ORANGE notice" for Ghadafhi"

Interpol has issued an alert, called an "orange notice," for Gadhafi as well as 15 other Libyans, including some family members and other associates.

So what does this mean?

Interpol issues seven different kinds of notices: red, black, yellow, blue, green and orange, plus a "United Nations special notice." Each notice has a different objective. The orange notice, which is relevant to Gadhafi, is intended "[t]o warn police, public entities and other international organizations about potential threats from disguised weapons, parcel bombs and other dangerous materials."

ORANGE notice for Ghadafhi - RED notice for Julian Assange [pdf] [08 March 2011]


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