Friday, 25. February 2011

The information provided here is intended to help you prepare in advance for the action and is not a substitute for the trainings, which are quite thorough. We strongly advise that at least one person from each affinity group takes both the first aid training and the protection against chemical weapons training.

Here is a basic list of supplies to bring for your first aid kit, and to donate to the medical team.

water (as much as you can carry. this is for you and your friends to drink, for irrigating eyes and wounds, for cooling off. it's worth its weight--bring lots)

several pairs of vinyl gloves (protect against blood AND pepper spray, latex works but is a common allergen)

change &/or card for telephone call

paper, pen, duct tape, marker

wound care supplies (Band-aids, steri-strips, 2x2 & 4x4 bandages, 1st aid tape, Bactroban or other antiseptic)

ace bandage

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