Monday, 21. October 2002

3 th message out to the sniper

please call again!! Probs with the hotline tapes?

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Re: 3 th message out to the sniper

Police in Sniper Case: 'Call us Back'
October 21, 2002 04:34 PM ET

In a direct appeal to a caller involved in the investigation of the sniper shootings in Washington's suburbs, police on Monday asked for another call, saying a first conversation was partly inaudible.

"The person you called could not hear everything that you said; the audio was unclear and we want to get it right," Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose told reporters at a briefing, making clear he was sending a message to someone else.

"Call us back so that we can clearly understand," Moose said.

¬> Reuters

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Police in Sniper Case: 'Call us Back'
17 minutes ago

"Call us back so that we can clearly understand," Moose said.

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