Wednesday, 13. February 2008

UK Moves to Disconnect P2P Pirates

There are plenty of Americans who hate the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act). It explicitly deters copyright circumvention, stifles fair use, and has given the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) ammunition to identify suspected P2P pirates. At the end of the day, however, the DMCA has probably done more to help file-sharing than hurt it.

Why's that? As much as the DMCA is regarded as the scourge of the Internet, it has a very special section called the "safe harbor provision" for ISPs. During the late 90s, ISPs such as AT&T fought very hard to have this provision entered into the DMCA. The safe harbor provision protects the ISP from any and all criminal and/or civil infractions that may transpire across their networks. old shit

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